Chapter 7

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Two Weeks Later

Tyler worked his ass off, day and night. Taking care of Maddy and Kal while Rachael made sure she worked away from the house. Tyler wanted to say something several times but decided to let sleeping dogs lie for now. She seemed skittish whenever he walked in her direction. So, he played her game and worked some night gigs when she came home. Who knew that working at night would get him better modeling jobs. It seemed that a lot of big named photographers and upscale clients need models to work at night. 

 Most of the big names all wanted to enjoy the nightlife and all it had to offer. The up and coming ones aka the struggling models all had regular jobs that were working around their schedules and couldn't stretch it anymore. Before he knew it, Tyler had been working for a few weeks at night. He didn't think anything of it, until Donatella Versace saw one of his ads and began to search for him. Tyler was walking in the mall with Maddy, taking her out on a day of her own while Kal spent some time with his mom.

Tyler and Maddy walked into a toy store before he began to feel stares. He glanced up to see a group of girls in their late teens whispering and giggling as they slyly watched him. He gave them a small smile that sent their fit of giggles deeper. Tyler turned his attention back to Maddison and watched her pick out two dolls before walking up to him.

"Okay, Tyler. I found the ones I want." She said before handing them to him. Tyler just stared at the dolls for a moment then back at her. "Maddy, are you sure that you want this?" He asked her carefully. Maddy nodded before walking away from him towards the counter. Tyler continued to stare at the boxes in his hands as he approached the counter. He handed the dolls to the salesperson when he was once again met with a weird glance. 

The salesperson gave him a wide smile and fought her giggles as well. "There you go? Is that your daughter?" She asked coyly. "No, she's one of two children that I take care of. I'm her Nanny." He spoke as he handed the bag to Maddy. The salesperson gave a sigh and listened to his deep voice. "Wow. You're a Manny. Like the one Britney Spears had." The salesperson stated. Tyler arched a brow. "Manny?" He asked with a look of confusion.  "A male nanny." She explained to him. "Well, you're all that and a Manny. I can't wait to see the new ads you're in."

Tyler kept the look of confusion on his face as he looked between her and the now growing crowd of women and a few males in the toy store. "What are you talking about?" He asked as he grabbed Maddy's free hand, for safety. "Aw, don't be shy. It's all over the papers. You're Donatella Versace's new poster model for her new men's line. She did an interview today and said she was inspired after seeing you in another smaller ad."

Tyler's mouth dropped as he turned and was bombarded with the women and men holding out pictures of him from ads he's done. They spoke at once as they asked him for his autograph. He tried to look for a way out and looked to see Maddy become scared. He knew then he had to control the situation in order to get them both out. 

"Okay. Okay. If you all line up in a single line I will sign for all of you." He asked politely and saw them straightened up and wait. Tyler started to sign and talk to every person until the last one was signed and gone. He even signed one for the salesperson for being so kind enough to deal with that. Once they got out, he called his agency. "Dutch, it's Tyler. You won't believe what happened to me."

One hour later

"Yes, Extra has exclusive footage of Donatella Versace's newest hot model. Someone spotted him walking into a toy store with a little girl and contacted us right away for the scoop. This exclusive is the only footage of the up and coming model patiently signing every single autograph before having mall security helping him leave safely. Well, I can't wait for more info on this super hot guy. I wonder if he's single."

Bette clicked off the power and set the remote control down before she looked at Rachael. Kaleb stood up and walked up to the television and pressed his hands against the glass before he began to bang against it.

They watched the little boy look off as he continued to bang and now cry. Rachael huffed a breath as she got up to pull her son into her arms and hold him tightly. Kaleb began to buck and yell as he tried to break free. "Shh. Kal, that was just a tv show with Tyler's face. Baby, he's on his way home with Maddy. I promise." She spoke softly to him, knowing what Bette was silently thinking. Because she was thinking the same.

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