Chapter 67

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A/N: Nine years and a few months before Charles killed himself in prison.

A baby gurgled in between Rachael and Tyler as they slept lightly. Tyler opened his eyes slowly as the sun shined through their bedroom. He glanced down at the light brown-skinned baby who looked around before starring him in the eyes. He smiled at her before scooping her up. He noticed Rachael was deep asleep while he and their youngest child eased out of bed. "Come on, my Raya Nicole. Let's make you some breakfast. " He whispered before cooing to her while they walked out of the room.

He walked through the hall passing by the many children they had as they all went in different directions. "Hi, daddy." A voice called out. " Morning, daddy." Several children happily sang to him as he made his way downstairs. "Daddy." A few more said to Tyler before he made his way into the kitchen. "Morning, Micah, Morgan, Mack, TJ, Trent, Toddy, Nyssa, Lyssa, Sunny and Kal." Tyler greeted them as he walked up to see Maddison with a bottle all ready for him. "Good morning, daddy."  She told him.

Tyler stepped up and took the bottle from his oldest child before beginning to feed his youngest. "Thank you, Maddybug." He said before placing a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly the other children began their chorus, Good morning, mama, while Rachael made her way down to the kitchen. "Good morning, Micah, Morgan, Mack, TJ, Trent, Toddy, Nyssa, Lyssa, Sunny and Kal." Maddy had two cups of coffee waiting for her dad and her mom before she took her baby sister from her dad. 

"Good morning, mama." She said giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, baby," Rachael told her oldest daughter and oldest child. " Come, Ray, let mama and daddy have their breakfast and wake before they take you and our siblings on." Maddy joked while she carried the baby out of the kitchen.

"Wow, do we have a great kid or what?" Rachael said before sipping her coffee and biting into her pastry. "Yes, we do. In fact all twelve of our kids are great." Tyler agreed then ate his pastry before drinking his coffee. "And having a very mature, responsible twelve year old helps also." 

"So, life is great, right Ty?" Rachael asked their handsome husband. She watched him set his cup down then moved over to sit closer to his wife. "It's great all around. I love my life, baby, and I love you." Tyler said before he pulled his wife onto his lap to kiss. "Hey, that's how you ended up with twelve kids," Bette said walking into the kitchen, joking to them. "Be careful," She said while rubbing her belly. "You'll be like this again, making it number thirteen ." "Oh, no. Twelve is our number. We're done." Tyler and Rachael said in unison before laughing together.

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