Chapter 45

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Back in the states, in a private doctor's office, in a bad part of town

Jennifer sat in the exam room and stared at her pre-paid cell phone. She blew a breath as she bit her bottom lip while continuing to stare at the screen. She closed her eye, breathed deeply, then slowly open them back up before dialing a familiar number. She waited through the Lil Wayne ringtone before there was an answer. "Yeah, Jennifer? Did you get the test results?" The voice asked. "Yeah, baby I did. And it's a boy!" She said happily. "We can name it Charles Junior. And I know he'll be so handsome like his daddy." She rambled on before he cut her off.

"What did we talk about Jennifer?" Charles yelled to her. "That if it was a girl, we could keep it. But if it was a boy to- to get rid of it." She said as her voice trembled. "Right. Damn, if you can't do this then I don't think we can stay together." He began while she climbed off the table still dressed in the dressing gown. "No, Charles. Please don't leave me. I want to be with you. I need you. I love you." Jennifer cried over the phone.

"Then do what I ask." He told her. "I can't believe how juvenile you're acting Jennifer." He told her as she wiped her face before sitting back down. "I defended you to my friends when they kept telling me not to fuck with your young ass. I told them that you were mature for 19 going on 20." He said in anger. "And they backed off. Now you are 20 and we've been together for a year, I was going to marry you. But if you feel that you can't do this one thing for me I guess you can keep the kid and go raise it alone." Charles lectured her, letting the tone in his voice rise. He then took a couple of deep breaths before he went on. "Or you do this one thing and we get married right after." He said, trying to calm back down. "Once we marry, we can have all the little girls we want. Okay, Baby?"

Jennifer's red eyes darted around the room as she knew she was too young for him. But she loved him and wanted to be with him in any way. And marriage was the ultimate way. She knew she would be taken care of and live in the lap of luxury. She never has to want or hustle for anything again. He would take her away from everything bad. "Baby, are you still there?" Charles asked sweetly.

"Yes, baby. I'm getting it done right away." She told him. "Great. Doctor Millman will take care of you and I will see you in a few hours. " He said. Jennifer could hear the smile in his voice while she wiped her nose. "And we'll get married today?" She made him promise. "Yes, Jennifer. We'll get married today. See you soon. I love you." Charles told her in a sincere tone.

"See you soon. I love you too." She said before they both disconnected at the same time. Jennifer looked up to see Dr. Millman's nurse at the door. "Ready, Jennifer?" She asked. Jennifer just nodded as she climbed back off the table and sat in the wheelchair to be rolled to the small operating room in the office. The doors opened and Jennifer was helped onto the table. The nurse placed her feet in the stirrups as the doctors looked at her chart. "Okay. We have a late-term abortion at six months." The doctor began to say. "The nurse took your full payment and is about to put you to sleep. Since this is a bit long in the pregnancy, it will take an hour and ten minutes. Then it will take you about thirty minutes to wake up and we keep you for at least one more hour for observation." He told her before the nurse gave her the general anesthesia medicine to sedate her.

"Any questions?" He asked. Jennifer slowly shook her head as started to feel the effects before drifting off to sleep. "Okay. The drip has started and once it's over we'll take it out via c-section." The doctor said. "Yes, doctor." The nurse replied as they began.

 Sometime after the surgery

Jennifer woke up coughing and throwing up spit, due to the tube that was in her throat. She opened her eyes to see Charles sit there holding her hand with a smile on his face. She gave him a small grin as he helped her sit up. "Welcome back, baby." He said before he leaned in to kiss her on the forehead. "Hi."She said groggily, trying to find her voice. "Is it over?" She asked him. "Yeah, it's all over," Charles told her. "Where is he?" Jennifer asked. "Gone. Why?" Charles asked. 

"Because I wanted to bury him, Charles." Charles made a face as he packed her medicine and the prescriptions the doctor gave him for her post-care. "You can't bury him. They took the body and-and who knows." Charles said to her in an irritated tone. "Besides we're going to have our little girl soon. Once you're healed and we're married. I found a doctor who can make sure we have all girls. The best doctor that money can buy with the best science that money can buy." He told her as he handed her, her clothes.

"Come on, Jennifer.'' He told her, helping her get out of bed. "The doctor said you could go as soon as you wake up. It's time for us to go get married. Justice of the peace, here we come!" He grinned.

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