Chapter 25

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Two weeks later

Tyler waited outside in the surprisingly warm weather, glancing at all their friends and family as he adjusted his gold tie. He stood there in a black tux with Kaleb in a matching suit right by his side. He appointed the little one his best man and couldn't think of a better person to be with him.

Judge Wolf was presiding over the ceremony just for show. He married them for real on Maddy's birthday. But this day was all for Maddy since she missed them getting married and her birthday was ruined. Tyler's mom had a custom made wedding /birthday cake made with not only a miniature statute of him and Rachael, but miniature Kal and Maddy. Making the entire family complete.

Maddy was dressed in a gold satin dress that went down to her feet as she held her mom's hand while they walked down the aisle. Rachael was dressed in the same color and material as Maddy's, but hers hugged every curve and had a low back as the end swirled around her feet while they walked. She and Maddy went and got their hair done as they both wore it down and curled.

Tears formed in Rachael's eyes as she watched her baby proudly walk her down to her husband and son. They arrived at the altar before Maddy put her Mom's hand into Tyler's. They faced each other and began to say what they felt.

"I love you so much, Tyler. Thank you for being there for me and my children at first as someone who just wanted to make things better. Thank you for showing me that it was okay to love at all. I love the way my children care for you as you care for us. I still can't believe you wanted me as your wife. But I promise you that I will work every day to make sure you always know that the choice you made, loving me and marrying me, was the right one."

Tyler just stood there blinking away the tears that formed in his eyes while everyone waited for him to speak. "You never have to make up anything to me."He told her in a broken tone causing his naturally deep voice to go deeper. "I realized that you were hurt real bad. And that you were wary about me being younger than you.  But I'm so glad that you realized that my age wasn't a factor in how much my heart loves you and needs you so." He cleared his throat and smiled when he felt Kaleb leaned into his side and linked an arm through his.

"And I love Kaleb and Maddison as much as I love you."He said glancing at the children that stood by their sides. 'You are part of my family. As are all the people that are sharing this day with us. The moment we shook hands and felt that spark, it sealed the deal. But the moment you answered the door and the wind was knocked out of me, I knew that I fell in love with you. There was no turning back for me. I loved the sensation of it all."

Tyler leaned in and kissed her passionately before he let her hands go and turned towards Maddy, who was next to her mom watching the entire thing. "Maddy, you are one of the greatest kids, Kal's the other, that I have ever known. I'm so sorry about your birthday, sweetie. I will promise to make it up to by having your future birthdays be so wonderful." Tyler pledged to the little girl. " But I was wondering if you would do me the honor of officially becoming my daughter. Would you like me to adopt you and your brother?" He asked her, watching her face. Maddy's brown eyes widen in shock before she moved to him, hugging him tightly.

"Yes, Ty-Daddy!" She said full of joy. " Yes, I want to be your little girl!" Rachael looked on with pride as she gave Kal a gentle side hug. Judge Wolf, smiled and cleared his throat. "Well, I now pronounce you all a family." He said as he led them to the table in front of all the guests and held out three pens. "You may now sign the"

Maddy took the pen and she stared at them all funny. She noticed that every one of the guests smiled at her as if to say they all knew. She then looked back to her mom and Tyler as they signed their names. Rachael signed Kaleb's name before Maddy signed her name in disbelief. Judge Wolf signed, dated, and stamped the paperwork before he spoke again. "I would like to announce and introduce to you all  Tyler Evan Sumner, his wife Rachael Nicole Sumner, his son  Kaleb Dylan Sumner, and his daughter Maddison Daisy Sumner."

Everyone stood up and cheered at the brand new, happy family before them. Tyler grabbed a mic from the DJ waiting to get the party started. "Hello, everyone!" He said into the microphone. "I hope you all enjoy this wedding slash adoption slash make-up birthday party! So, let's have fun!" Cheering erupted again when Tyler gave the mic back, smiling. He looked around at how great his life was and that it all began with a chance job as a Nanny.

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