Chapter 15

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Rachael stretched the back of her nude body against the front of Tyler's before she yawned. She turned around in his strong, secure hold to see him wide awake staring lovingly at her. "Morning." He smiled. "Good morning." She replied back before she leaned in to pull him into a sensual kiss. Tyler relaxed at her touch while he roamed his hand all over her.

They pulled apart before giving each other a hug. "Thank you for the wonderful Valentine's day. I never had one and it was so special because of you." She said softly while they stared in each other's eyes. Tyler continued to watch her as he spoke. "Thank you for letting me love you. I hope to be able to do things like that for you until the end of my life."

"Tyler." Rachael laughed as she said his name. "You're a young man and yet you seem so sure of yourself. So sure of what you want from the world." He sat up some, showing he was still serious. "To me, age is a number to show how long we have been living the life we have at the moment. And it's also a state of mind. As in you're only as old or as young as you feel." 

He reached up and let his index finger trace every inch of her face. "Besides, isn't the important thing about this, is that I love you. And I'm in love with you." He told her as he nodded. "From what we've experienced last night, I can safely, securely say that you feel the same." 

Rachael just watched him as he closed in and rested his forehead against hers. "I love you, Rae." He said in a gruff tone. She saw his were closed his eyes while he held the side of her face. A smile crossed her lips as she did the same. "I love you, Ty." 

"And I love Maddy and Kal. They are the world's best kids." He added, causing her to nod in agreement. "Yeah, they are." She said. "I know that Kal will be up soon. After all, it's 10:12." She told him, glancing over his shoulder to look at the clock. 

They both looked at each other when the thought of the time hit both of them. "10:12!" They yelled before jumping up out of bed and rushed about the room. "Tyler grabbed his pants and shirt to slip them on. While Rachael grabbed a pair of sweats, a bra, and a t-shirt.

They hurried up getting dressed before rushing out of the room and downstairs to see that both of the kids' rooms were empty. "They're not in the living room either," Tyler told her. "I checked the kitchen. It's a small mess, but no kids." Rachael added before they looked at each other. "The playroom!" They spoke in unison while heading to the playroom. Once inside they saw that Kal was full from eating a bowl of sliced apples and oranges. He was curled up and sleeping next to Maddy who was eating the second bowl of her sliced apples and oranges while watching Cheetah Girls on the Disney Channel.

She heard a noise, causing her to look up to see Tyler and her mom standing in the room with their faces full of surprise. "Morning Mama. Morning Daddy." She smiled at them before tilting her head to give them a look. The adults tried to look innocent while Maddy continued to stare. "Did you guys sleep okay? Kal wanted to wake you up. But I told him to let you both sleep and we ate a healthy snack. See?" She rambled in a happy tone while showing them both bowls.

"He fell asleep after Sesame Street. And I am in the middle of watching Cheetah Girls. I didn't know how long you were going to sleep. But I'll clean up the mess." She said, continuing to ramble as they remained speechless.

Tyler was the first to speak after he cleared his throat and stepped up. "It's okay, Maddy. I'll do it. You can sit here and finish your movie."  Her mom stepped up also and chimed in. "Yeah, sweetie. Tyler and I will make something for lunch okay." Rachael agreed. Maddy looked between the two of them before she stood up and walked over to them as the smile never left her face.

"I love you both." She said before she gave them both hugs. "Is it still okay that I called you daddy, Tyler?" She looked up at him. Tyler just looked at Rachael for the answer. "I don't know, sweetie." He told her. "You remember I told you that would be between your mom and you." Maddy looked at her mom with her smile growing wider. Rachael noticed the excited look in her daughter's eyes. 

"Maddy, baby, are you sure you want to call Tyler that?" She asked the young girl. "Yes. More than anything in the world. In fact, that will be the best birthday present I can get. I don't want anything else this year." She pleaded and clasped her hands together.

Rachael laughed heard and leaned down to give her a kiss. "Well, if you're willing to give up your birthday presents then I know you are serious. I'm okay with it if you and Tyler are." Rachael said giving her blessing. "Yay!" Maddy softly cheered then hugged Tyler tightly before going back to sit down and continue to watch TV.

They left her to watch TV  before they both walked out of the room. Rachael just gave Tyler a look then exhaled a deep breath. "Well, I can say they defiantly both know about us." She told him. "And they look totally happy about it apparently," Tyler stated before he pulled her into his arms. "Well, soon everyone we know will know. Then the whole world. Can you handle that, Tyler?" She asked him.

"Of course." He told her as his heart felt full. "As long as I have you and the kids, I can handle anything and everything. Now, let's get to cooking. We built up a good appetite last night." He laughed then moved his hand lower to give her ass cheeks a playful squeeze before leading her towards the kitchen.

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