Chapter 22

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The next afternoon, Twenty-four hours later

Tyler opened his eyes after a sleepless night. His arms tightly held onto Rachael and Kal. Kal slept soundly in front of her while tiredly slept in the middle. Tyler sighed softly before he linked his left hand with her left hand, focusing on the wedding rings that flashed before his eyes while his mind went back to yesterday.

Maddy hadn't been gone that long when there was a knock at the door. Bette answered the door and was greeted by an old friend of hers. "Todd." She greeted the man before her.  "Welcome." She gave a bittersweet smile before giving him a hug. "Bette, isn't this the right house?" Todd asked, taking his jacket off to hand to her. "Yes, it is." She said. "We had a setback. I don't think there will be a wedding."

"Yes, there will," Rachael told her, sniffing some as she stood up with Tyler. "Our present to Maddy was to have us get married today. And today is still her birthday, whether she's here or not." Todd just stared at Rachael before Bette introduced her. "Todd, this is my friend Rachael Ryland and her soon to be husband, Tyler Sumner. Rachael. Tyler. This is an old friend from law school and family court, judge. He's also a Justice of the Peace. Judge Todd Wolf." They each shook hands then took a look at Bette. "How about we all talk first, then decide if there will be a wedding today," Todd suggested.

They all sat down before Bette and Rachael told the entire story from Charles reacting to Maddy's birth to him showing up today. Bette let Todd see the paperwork to read. He finished going over it then glancing up, now fully informed. "Were there any witnesses who saw him give up his rights because of his son?" Todd asked Rachael.

"Besides me? The baby was in my arms and Maddy overheard." Rachael explained as she began to look worried. "Did you have counsel to at least hear it on tape or via telephone?" He asked her, which had Bette internally groan. "No, I didn't," Rachael said, trying not to cry. "So, are you saying that I lied?" She asked causing Bette to place a comforting hand over hers. "No, sweetie," Bette softly spoke to Rachael. "He's a neutral third party who's asking the questions I should have asked. I handled this thing like your best friend first and your lawyer second." She said with regret.

"Bette, you realize that his lawyer kept quiet because she plans to grill Rachael on the stand," Todd stated. "It makes you look incompetent on how you handled this. You're too personally involved in this. Especially back then. You don't like the man, which makes it his word against hers. The only two witnesses are an Autistic child who can't talk let alone deeply understand. And the child in the middle of this, who clearly wants to be with her mother." He pointed out the facts that caused everyone, not the judge, to feel lost.

"I screwed up, didn't I, Todd?" Bette asked before resting her face in her hands. Avery gave her a side hug when Todd touched her hand. "Not that bad," Todd told to her. "It can be fixed. You just need to get prepared for anything that he and his lawyer will throw out. Ethos is a good lawyer." Todd said before smiling. "But you're ten times better. She knows that. I'm guessing she was more silent because she was studying how involved you are with this family more than with the case."

"My advice to all of you is to focus on your family and let him hang himself," Todd informed them. "Mr. Sumner, you seem like a terrific man who clearly loves this woman and her two children." He said to Tyler. " And the Judge you have is a great family court judge. Judge Peter Tompkins is a fair, unbiased man. He really does put the best interests of the child ahead of everyone. He really means what he says. So showing that you two are married would really fly in his eyes."

For the first time since this whole mess started, Rachael and Tyler felt hope. So, Bette gave Rachael away while Alyssa stood as her son's best man. Lucy and Candy were matrons of honor and Avery and Janice were witnesses to Rachael and Tyler getting married in the living room.

They exchanged the rings they had gotten the day went to get the marriage license and sealed the event with a kiss. It was a solemn moment for the couple while they invited Judge Wolf to stay for some of Maddy's birthday cake.  During the stay, they found a new friend in Todd Wolf.

By the time the day was winding down, the only ones left there were Bette and Avery, who rode in together and Alyssa. Rachael stared at her rings and broken down once again. It took an hour and two cups of Chamomile tea before she relaxed and fell asleep. Bette and Avery finally left while Alyssa decided to spend the night in Rachael's room. The newlyweds slept downstairs in Tyler's room.

During the night, Kal came in and climbed in the bed with them, unaware of any of the day's events. He soon fell fast asleep against his mom while his new step-dad held them both through the night.

Tyler sniffed back tears as the feel of exhaustion covered him like a quilt. He hated the fact that Judge Wolf was right. In order to win, he had to play by the rules.  Tyler decided he would. Once this was all over he and Charles are going somewhere privately so can kick his ass for causing all this pain and anguish. "You'll pay mother fucker. One way or another. " Tyler mumbled to himself.

That morning, Somewhere in upper Manhattan

Maddy sat at the table picking at her cereal with Mary across from her. The relaxed, sipping her coffee while reading the paper. "I remember you," Maddy said softly, causing the woman to glance up at her carefully. "You remember me?"Mary asked her, surprised at the news."Yes. You were the main girlfriend." Maddy told her causing Mary to choke on her coffee. She calmly sat the cup down and pretended to not understand.

"What do you mean? The main girlfriend?" Mary asked. Maddy pushed the bowl away to lean her cheeks onto her little knuckles. "I was young, but old enough to understand somethings." She began to say. "Like my mama thought that she was the main girlfriend that my father was cheating on. But you were the main one who he was cheating on with other women. My mama just happened to get pregnant with me,then with my brother."

Mary just stared before she spoke. "Wow. You're pretty smart for a kid." Maddy stared back at her. "I just turned ten. In two more years, I'll be a tween. I think I understand a lot more than most people give me credit for." The child said in a calm tone. "I just didn't want my mama to feel bad in front of everyone. You and he already caused enough pain for her. I don't want to live here. You may have a lot of stuff, but my home is with Tyler, my mama, and my brother." Mary fought to keep her face blank as the little girl continued to tell her truth. "Speaking of a lot of stuff, you have a fancy house and money. Why does he want me? I haven't made any money off the pictures I took with Tyler."

Mary bit her lips before glancing down at the paper. Maddy noticed drops of water hit the newspaper before the woman looked back up at her. "I can't have my own babies. I can't give your daddy any kids. And I wanted a baby with him." Mary confessed with tears falling down her face fast. "I want a child with him. He's always wanted you. So, he knew that he could still have you if we went to court to get his rights back. Because your mama forced him to give them up."

Maddy stood up and shook her head."No! My mama wouldn't force anyone to do anything they didn't already want to do!" The little girl began to get angry as she spoke to Mary. "What I remember on that day, he didn't want Kal! And if he still doesn't want my Autistic baby brother, then I don't want him! I don't feel like eating. May I be excused?" Maddy huffed as Mary nodded. She watched the little girl storm off then slam the door to the room she was staying in.

Mary just hung her head at their conversation, wiping the tears from her eye and face. She hoped that this would all work out for her and Charles. Even though Maddy caring for her was a dream that was quickly dying from her mind while she tried to go back to drinking her coffee and reading the paper.

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