Chapter 24

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After the judge finished talking to Charles, one by one, they were each called back in the courtroom to give statements. Alyssa remained in the judge's chambers with Kaleb while everyone else gave what information they knew of Charles, Rachael, Tyler, Maddy, and Kaleb.  Hours later, the only person left to talk to was Maddy.

Rachael came out with Bette before walking up into Tyler's arms. "How was it, baby?" He asked while soothing her. "Rough, but fair." She told him sadly.  "And long. I think I just told my entire history with Charles in forty-five minutes.  The sad thing is that the forty-five minutes was really longer than anything we ever had."

"Maddison Ryland?" The bailiff asked. Maddy stepped up to him, looking up at him. "Yes?" She replied.  "The judge wants to see you now?" He said to her before she glanced over at her mom, who nodded that it was okay. She was led inside the doors by the man who was in the police uniform. "Excuse me, sir. What's your name?" She asked him as they walked up to the bench. 

"My name is Reggie. Reggie Carter." He told her with a smile while he helped her on the stand. "Nice to meet, Mr. Carter. Everyone calls me, Maddy." She said, introducing herself.  Reggie gave a nod and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Maddy." He told her before stepping back a bit.

Judge Tompkins waited for Reggie to swear her in before he talked to her. "Now, Maddison." He said to her. "Maddy, your honor." She corrected him. "Okay, Maddy." He said, beginning again. "Now, Maddy. I need you to answer one question before we get into everything you know about this case." "Yes, sir?" She said, wondering what it could be. "You've stayed at your father's place these last couple of months. How was it?" Judge Tompkins asked. 

"It was okay, I guess." She said and shrugged. "But, your honor, I don't feel he's my father or my dad. If he was, he would have never abandoned my mother and my brother." The little girl said honestly. "I would never leave them for anything in the world. Especially because of his long time girlfriend can't have children from her stomach. I can't be her kid. I already have a mama."

Judge Tompkins, Reggie, and Mark looked at the child with wide eyes "Okay, Maddy. I think you need to tell me everything you know." He told her, leaning in to listen to her every word.  An hour later, Maddy came out and was about to walk to her mom and Tyler when Cynthia Ethos instructed Rachael that Maddy needed to come back over to them. She held the court order up causing Rachael surrendered her baby to once more.

They all sat and stood in the hallway for another thirty minutes before Reggie called them all back as in. The judge came back from his chambers as Reggie called out. "All Rise, once more for the Honorable Judge Peter Tompkins!" Everyone stood up while the judge sat down. "Be seated." Judge Tompkins stated and opened the file once more before holding his pen in his hand.

"I'm not going to b.s. around with any of you." He spoke frankly before glancing at them. "We've been here all day and I  want you to know I've made my final ruling." He noticed looks of surprise and worry on both sides of the courtroom. "I was actually at a standstill until talking to the child in question shined some light on a lot of things.  I have decided that the original paperwork that you signed, Mr. Pennington, is and will always be valid. You didn't sign this," The judge said, pausing to hold up the original document, severing rights of both Kaleb and Maddy, in his hands while focusing on Charles. "Under pressure or any other circumstance. You chose one of your biological in favor of the other. All because that other child wasn't perfect enough for you." Judge Tompkins spoke with anger as he lectured Charles.

"You can't pick one of your children out that you like the best as if you were choosing a brand new puppy!" Judge Tompkins yelled. "You haven't taken any responsibility for either child since both were born! The mother has been doing all work! Mr. Pennington if you don't do the work, you can't reap the benefits and rewards that start to grow from the hard work you had no involvement in!"

He then glanced at Mary giving her a sorrowful expression. "And I am so sorry for your losses, Ms. Smithe." He told her in a sad tone. "But you can't have someone's child when that child is already in a loving home with loving parents. I have a feeling this wasn't your idea, was it?" He asked her but continuing to speak. "If you don't mind me saying, you need to drop him for what sanity you have left. Then we can talk about you adopting as a single mother. Because we all know his track record for being father of the year.  Ms. Smithe, it isn't important if the child is perfect. What matters is the fact the child has love, stability, and a great parent. That the child is perfect for you."

All eyes focused on Mary who held her head down, letting the tears fall. She slowly nodded at him. Judge Tompkins nodded in return before he raised his gavel. " The terminated rights still are valid and stand. Maddy, you have my blessing to go home to your mother, brother, and step-father. My ruling is final. Case dismissed!" He said before banging his gavel before standing up to go to his chambers.  Cheers came from Maddy's side when she ran up to Tyler and Rachael, giving them hugs and kisses.

"Bullshit! " Charles screamed out in the courtroom. "This isn't over, white boy! I will take this shit all the way to the fuckin Supreme Court if I have to! You can keep that retard kid. Not my normal kid. It probably was all Rachael's fuckin fault anyway!" Charles spouted as no one listened to him.

He saw Bette talking to Maddy before the lawyer walked up to Mary and talked to her. He tried to talk to Mary, who was ignoring him by chatting with Bette and paying Cynthia for her final services. Ms. Ethos took her final check and left. "Wait! You work for me." Charles yelled after the lawyer as she walked out, not looking back. He then turned back to see that Rachael and her family were gone already.

He then turned back to see Mary being escorted with Reggie, Mark, and Bette to the judge's chambers to discuss her options and chances in adoption. Charles looked around to see that he was alone. He sat down as the lights went off in the courtroom. Sitting in the dark, he swallowed hard and straightened himself trying to think of who was the next woman to take care of his needs.

Two hours later, he had to leave the building because it was about to close. Charles walked outside and down the empty, dark streets towards the parking lot. He stepped up to his car getting ready to unlock it when he was slammed into the driver's door with force. He went down while fists flew at him with quick speed.  Whoever they were they weren't giving him a chance to speak or defend himself. All he could hear was a voice so deep and filled with anger he was afraid of how monstrous the person was. "IF YOU EVER PULL A STUPID FUCKING STUNT LIKE THAT SHIT AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" The voice boomed out. "Yessssss."Charles slithered out his mouth before the man behind the voice stood straight, looming over Charles like a giant.

All Charles could see was darkness and blurry vision. He cowardly raised his arms over his head, scared for his miserable life. "MEN LIKE YOU GIVE ALL DECENT, GOOD MEN IN THIS WORLD A FUCKIN' BAD NAME! AND ONE MORE THING!" The voice said as Charles remained on the ground. The voice raised a foot and stomped down hard on Charles' dick and nuts as if it was a roach that wouldn't die. Charles remained on the ground crying until he felt it was safe to get in his car and leave.

He got to Mary's place only to find all his stuff outside with the doorman waiting for him. Security for the condo forced him to give up the keys to the door and sent him and his things on the way. Charles winced in pain before he drove out of New York, most hoping to never see him again.

Tyler walked through the door before locking it. He walked in the kitchen counter and placed his keys on the counter before going to the refrigerator and getting himself a bottle of apple juice to drink.  He then walked into his room and saw his mom sleeping soundly. He grabbed some clothes then headed to Kaleb's room to see he wasn't there. He then went to Maddy's room, noticing that she wasn't there either.

He then headed up to Rachael's room and opened the door to see that Maddy and Kaleb were snuggled up with their mom. The sight before him, caused his heart to swell with pride. He got into the shower quickly to clean up.  After he dried off and got dressed he went to Rachael's bed to ease  behind his wife, causing her to stir. "Hey, baby." She mumbled in her sleep. "Hey, love. Shh. Go back to sleep." Tyler snuggled some as he winced at the pain his knuckles felt. He smiled as he fell asleep dreaming of Charles leaving town forever, hopefully for good.

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