Chapter 58

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A week later

Charles sucked it up and followed his father's rules while fuming over the loss of his mother. He cared for his father. He could even say that he loved him. But if Charles had to admit it, he was a mama's boy through and through. He spent the last couple of months trying to figure out how he lost his beloved mother. He sat in the exam room with his wife as they watched the doctor as move the scope over Jennifer's stomach. "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Stoldworth!" The doctor said as she held the scope over the gel on Jennifer's stomach before she typed something on the keyboard attached to the screen. 

"It's a girl." She told them and smiled then printed out a few color 3D copies of the sonogram. "A girl! Yes, a girl!" Charles shouted then grinned as he gave a side hug to his young wife. "I love you! You have given me my daughter again! I have a daughter." Charles cheered as the doctor smiled and wiped the cool gel off Jennifer's stomach. "Now, here's your appointment for the next visit. And again, congratulations." The doctor told them both.

"Thank you, doctor." Jennifer and Charles both said as he turned to watch her sit up and straightened her shirt. "I have my daughter! Now, see we have our little girl, Jen. That boy was just a means to an end. This end. The end of that past and the beginning of our future with our little girl. Our perfect little girl." He said helping up her off the table before hearing his smartphone's alarm ring. 

"I got to get to work. Now, mom is gone. I'm next to take over the business. I'll see you later." He told her while rushing her outside. Charles left her standing on the sidewalk before rushing into the limo. He told the driver to take off. Jennifer sighed and went on her phone to contact Lyft to get a ride. Once the driver arrived, she and the driver made sure they were who they are before she got inside and headed home.

"Maddy. Maddy. Maddy. Maddy." A group of little voices cheerfully chanted as they climbed all over their big sister. Maddy laughed, soaking up all the happiness surrounding her. She finally started to feel like herself once again. Even TJ, Trent, and Toddy took baby steps towards her. "Maddy, love," Sunny said to her, grinning as she showed her new snaggle-tooth smile. 

"I love all of you too," Maddy told her siblings. She smiled as she reached for a book and raised it up. The little ones all saw the book as they one by one sat down. Mackenzie, Morgan, and Sunny sat together while Toddy, Trent, and Micah, sat together. They all faced Maddy, while they snuggled. TJ and Kaleb sat on opposite sides of Maddy, as she opened the book and began to read and show them the pictures, calming them all down.

Meanwhile Tyler and Rachael were in their bedroom with Rachael having a giggle fit of her own. "Okay, you know that this is the last time you are getting pregnant right?" He playfully told her in a stern way, rolling with her until she was on top. "Ha. Ha. As if." She said, catching her breath.  "You would love if I just pushed out baby after baby after baby," Rachael admitted to him. Tyler playfully thought about it before nodding. 

"You're right." He admitted to her.  "I just love working on making a baby with you. Even if we don't get pregnant." He smiled before he dove into her neck, sucking and kissing on it. "Ahhh." Rachael sighing happily. "Ha. Ha. See, baby. This is how we ended up with Trent, TJ, Toddy, Alyssa, and Anyssa." Rachael told him.  Tyler arched a brow then slipped his penis back inside her vagina and began to gently move in and out. "How about we make love five more times and that way we could pretend that's how we ended up with Kal, Maddy, Sunny, Micah, Mackie, and Morgan."

Rachael was about to sigh and moan at the same time when they heard a baby cry. The two froze and looked at one another. "Alyssa." They both said together. The couple smiled at each other before Tyler kissed Rachael by sucking gently on her lips. "Raincheck, Tyler?" Rachael asked him softly as he pulled out, causing her to gasp on purpose. "You better believe it." He told her. They got up and got dressed. " Mama! Daddy!" They heard Maddy call through the door, from downstairs. "We know, Alyssa's crying." The husband and wife said at the same time. "We'll be out in a few minutes, Madd," Tyler called out. "Okay." She replied happily, before walking away from the bottom steps with all the kids trailing behind her.

On the other side of the city in a posh  area

Jennifer was in a cemetery sitting on the ground leaning next to a newly placed tombstone. "I'm so sorry, Eddie. I should have stood up to him." She spoke facing the medium-sized marble angel before her. "Now with the baby girl on the way, I-." She stopped herself from finishing that sentence before sighing.  Her eyes focused through the tears in her eyes before shuddering while placing the flowers against the tombstone. "I know I don't deserve to ask you for anything, but could you please protect your baby sister. I love you, my son. My firstborn. Edward Stoldworth II." She softly said then sobbed for an hour in front of her late baby son's grave.

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