Chapter 59

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Four weeks Later

Charles sat at his desk and tried to work. He looked up at the far front end of his desk where a picture of his mother sat next to her urn full of ashes. He couldn't believe that his mother was gone. He tried to shake his head as if it was all a bad dream. That he would wake up or blink and then it will be over. But as he continued to stare at her beautiful and expensive urn, he knew she was dead. He had decided that today he would finally call the cemetery and bury her once they had her white marble stone finished.

And for his father to just coldly have her cremated without letting him see her one last time or saying goodbye, was so unlike him. Then to hear that day that he was also divorced from her and it wasn't his business why, was too much to take. So he busied himself with work, his wife, and soon to be a perfect child. His daughter. He wished that Maddy would have been with him also. That would've been the icing on the cake. Instead, she was brainwashed by her skank of a mom and that white guy.

He knew he had a chance to start again with his new daughter. His perfect family. But something was still nagging him about his mother's death. And until he found out, he would never have any peace. The day his father came home with his mother's ashes and told him and Jennifer the entire story, plus laid down the rules, he made a call to a private investigator that his mother used to hire. He met with him the next day in his new office to pay him to dig anywhere and everywhere to find out the truth. 

Charles knew that once he finds out what happened, he could make sure his mother's life remained pure and perfect. Like she taught him, the family of black blue bloods, the family of perfect people was very important in upper-crust society. Appearances and money make the world go around. He came back from his thoughts when his phone rang. "Hello, Charles Pennington." He answered. "Yes, Mr. Romen. Really? Did you find anything? Well, I want to know it now. Yes, I'm sure. Just tell me." He said before he went silent, listening to the man's information going into his ear.

Shock and surprise came over Charles before he slumped back in his overly expensive opal colored leather office swivel chair. Once the detective relayed all that he discovered, Charles' voice cracked. "Really?" He said.  "Bring everything you have to my office, later today. I have some business to care of and I will meet you here in two hours. Okay, goodbye." He hung up then looked up at his mother's pictures with shock, sadness, then anger. He quickly stood up, grabbed his jacket,  his keys, and his mother's urn before leaving.

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