Chapter 50

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Tyler sat by himself while Edward, Todd, and Avery talked to each other.  They all sat on Edward's private jet. Thanks to Tyler's phone, they tracked Maddy to Patpong in Bangkok, Thailand. Patpong is an entertainment district in Bangkok. It caters mainly, though not exclusively, to foreign tourists and expatriates. While Patpong is internationally known as a red-light district at the heart of Bangkok's sex industry, the city in fact has numerous red-light districts that are far more popular with Thai men. A busy night market aimed at tourists is also located in Patpong. And that's where Maddy and the other children were. 

A day ago

"She left the phone on, thank goodness, and we can track it with my laptop," Tyler said as he stood around Edward's home. They didn't want the women to hear what they found out and Edward's home was still empty. "I can't believe my ex-wife has done this," Edward said as they read the information online about the area in Bangkok. "I can't believe you got a divorce that quickly and without her around." Avery said looking at Edward. "With the right amount of money and connections, you can always get things done quick, fast, and in a hurry." 

"Can we get to Maddy quickly before time runs out?" Todd asked. "We-." Edward began to say before he was cut off by Tyler. "Time won't run out." He said to them all, his face showing his anger. "We will get to my baby girl before anything happens. Because if we don't this world will have hell to pay. I'm going to take it out on everyone!"

He flashed back from his thoughts before he glanced out the window. Tyler was thankful that the red-eye private flight to Thailand would mean they would be there before anything could be done to her. He focused on the clouds before him and quietly mumbled to himself. "I'm coming to Maddy. Just hold on, sweetie. Daddy's coming to bring you home."

Information on Patpong:

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