Chapter 11

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Bette went over everything with Tyler and Avery before she called Rachael and explained. Once Rachael gave the go-ahead, Avery let Tyler and Bette signed the papers then sent off Maddy and Tyler to get dressed in the new, exclusive fashions that surrounded Tyler. Maddy was dressed in fashionable outfits herself before they got into the area to pose and smile for the cameras.

Avery approached Bette, who stood up there smiling at the bond Maddy and Tyler had which deepened with each shot. "So, Mrs. Carter," He casually began causing her to turn toward him to correct him. "It's Ms. Carter." She corrected him while giving him a side-eye glance. "Is that so." Avery smiled wider. "Well, would you care to discuss over lunch tomorrow while it's still Ms. ?" He asked smoothly before stepping closer to her.  Bette simply smiled while they continued to watch Tyler and Maddy get ready for the next part of the shoot.

As the cameras flashed about him, Tyler glanced down for a minute to see that Maddy accidentally let a yawn slip out as she leaned into him. He smiled and slipped an arm around her shoulder for a fatherly hug. She glanced up at him then spoke something to him. The photographer noticed the real, genuine bond between the two before he and his assistants made sure those wonderful poses and moments were sealed on film.

Three hours later, Avery had lunch plans with Bette. The photographer was happy at having a great shoot with kind models that didn't have an attitude. And Tyler was cradling a now sleeping Maddy in his arms. He carried her out to his car with Bette and Avery in tow. He safely secured her in booster seat before he turned to see that Bette and Avery stand near their cars for a minute, before getting inside their vehicles. All three of them gave each other a friendly honk before heading off in different directions.

The early evening blanketed the sky as Tyler pulled in the driveway. He parked and got out to get Maddy when the front door opened. Rachael ushered him in before closing and locking the door back while Tyler took Maddy to her room and placed her in her bed. He was taking off her shoes when Rachael walked in. "I'll get her ready for bed," Rachael told Tyler.  "There's someone waiting for you." She smiled at him before taking over. Tyler nodded then began to walk away. He paused before turning back to stop in front of her to caress her cheek.

Rachael blushed under his touch while he gave her a smile and a sexy wink before he headed out the room. Tyler stepped up to Kaleb's room to see him dressed in his PJs, sitting his rocking chair, just rocking away. He stepped in the room softly and spoke gently. "Hey, Kal." He spoke softly. "I'm back home like I promise, pal." Kaleb glanced in Tyler's direction some, to acknowledge that he heard him. Tyler grabbed one of Kaleb's favorite Sesame Street books then sat on the floor and began to read to him.

By the end of the story, Kaleb was on the floor with Tyler and in his lap, falling asleep. Tyler set the book down then scooped up Kal before walking on his knees to the little boy's bed to place him in. He then got up to tuck him in better before walking out of the room and bumping into Rachael.

 "Ohh." She said in a gasping sound as she stumbled back some. "I got you." He told her holding onto her, steadying her. "Thanks." She said while glancing up into his blue eyes.

"Not a problem." He softly said as he linked his arms around her curvy waist. Rachael glanced down at the gesture before looking back up at him. His jet black hair fell into his face before she noticed the look he started to give her. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked her in a soft, seductive voice. Rachael was amused by his tone as she shrugged. "Ready for what?" She asked.  "What's happening tomorrow?" Tyler began to move closer, causing her to move backward. "You forgot? Tomorrow night you and I have Valentine's day planned." He whispered to her before backing her into a wall. 

Rachael released a soft gasp as she watched Tyler's hands pressed up against the wall, sealing her in. She licked her lips as he leaned down closer to her face. "Wow, you really forgot." Tyler murmured while taking her expression in.  "Well, I think that means you owe me for being so absent-minded." She let his minty breath warm her lips and the tip of her nose while she tried to find her voice. "What do I owe you, Tyler?" She spoke meekly. 

Tyler let his eyes search her face and body before he closed in and kissed the top of her upper lip before kissing the bottom one. He then moved her head to the side and began to take turns nibbling on her left ear then her right. He then tilted her head up some to let his tongue move down and across her throat and neck. Tyler moaned as he tasted oranges near her collarbone.

"You taste like mandarin oranges." He murmured against her skin. "Kal ate them tonight. He then threw his arms around me, with the fruit in his hands." She replied and groaned through her sighs. "Well, thank you, Kaleb." He said between kisses on her shoulders, her neck, and chin. He let his teeth, playfully nipped about her soft, sweet, tasty, sexy skin.

Rachael felt her panties start to wet as Tyler felt himself tighten in his pants knowing he had to stop. He pulled away from her and turn his head towards the hallway. "Sorry, I got carried away."

Rachael nodded before looking around, wondering if he felt like it was a mistake. Soon her fears were dashed when he turned back to her and cupped her chin. "I didn't mean to get carried away so soon. But tomorrow, I won't make any promises. Happy early Valentine's Day, Rachael." He whispered to her lips before he kissed each of eyelids and then her hair. "Good night, sweetheart."

With that, he left her outside Kal's door and he hurried to his own. Once inside his room, he leaned against the closed door and licked the taste of her off his lips. Tyler let his mind savor the flavor of her until tomorrow. "I don't know how I'll survive until tomorrow night." He groaned before heading for his bathroom to take a really cold shower.

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