Chapter 10

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It was Monday afternoon and Rachael was off at the doctor's office with Kal, for his yearly check-up. Tyler was driving to pick up Maddy when his phone rang. He answered it on the second ring while pulling up to Maddy's and Kal's school. He parked his car in the visitors' parking lot then got out to walk towards the school. He listened to a representative with Donatella Versace on the line. They wanted to meet in thirty minutes for an emergency shoot.

He walked towards the door when Maddy walked out. He hung up then dialed on the phone, waiting through the rings.  Tyler left Rachael a message about picking up Maddy and having to stop at work for a bit but will be back in time for dinner. Maddy glanced at several parked cars to see that several moms waited for their kids to come out while they drooled over Tyler.

Tyler hung up the cell phone for a final time to look up from the wave of kids running outside towards their parents' cars or to the school bus. He noticed Maddy make a face at the women who got their kids in their cars before heading over in their direction. "Ooh, you're the new Versace model we saw on TV. " A blonde woman said. "Yes, you look yummier in person than on TV." A brunette mother added. He politely excused himself, taking Maddy's hand in his and gripped it tight. The small group of women followed behind him trying to hit on him before Maddy stopped in her tracks to turn around.

"Leave my daddy alone!" She yelled, causing the woman to stop in their tracks. "He's trying to be nice to you, but he doesn't want you! He is in love with my mama! Don't you all have husbands, Mrs. Marvin?" She glanced at the blonde woman from before. "I don't think my mama would be too happy that you're flirting with her man! Now back off!" The women and Tyler just stared in shock before the females apologized and moved away, heading back to their automobiles. 

Maddy turned to face a stunned Tyler who continued to stare at her. She made a sad face then walked off towards his car. Tyler snapped out of it, chasing after her. "Maddy? Maddy?" He kept calling after her. "Maddison Daisy Ryland!" He called her entire name causing her to stop. She learned a long time ago that when her mama called her all three names you stop and listen. Maddy turned around and leaned against the passenger door. "Yes, Tyler?" She said as she kept her head down while adjusting her book bag on her shoulders. 

"What you did back there," He paused to stoop down to her level and make her look at him. "Was the sweetest, best thing ever." He told her, smiling. Maddy grinned and threw herself into his arms, hugging him. Tyler hugged her back and smiled wider. "You're not mad that I called you my daddy?" She asked in a small voice. "No, sweetheart. But you might want to tell your mom about it. You both need to figure something out on that. Okay?" He told her.

Maddy nodded her head fast as she grabbed one more hug before letting him go. Tyler unlocked the car and cleared his throat before turning his head to wipe away the few tears that escaped his eyes. "Do you mind if we stop at my other job before we go home? I have to take care of something." He asked her.  "No, Tyler. I would like to see your other job." She smiled as she got in, buckling herself in her booster seat before Tyler buckled himself up and drove off.

Later in downtown New York

They arrived at the New York division of The Versace Company and went inside, up to the floor where the photoshoots were held. Avery Lawrence was in charge of the campaign surrounding Tyler and he was a rarity in the modeling business. He was a nice man with a good heart. He was a former model himself and at the ripe old age of 36, knew it was smart at 28 to have a backup plan. Especially since models aren't models forever. He stood at 6'2", toned, and muscular.  His dark-colored skin enhanced his beauty. But it was his light brown eyes and his long eyes lashes that always made the women swoon. Even now. But none of that matters. Because he didn't want to mess with the women in this business. He was looking for a whole different kind of woman to steal his heart away.

Avery glanced up to see that Tyler walked in with a little girl that must be one of the children that Tyler talked about to him and Donatella when he was approached to be the entire campaign. A light went off in Avery's head as he met them halfway. "Hey, Avery. This is Maddison Daisy Ryland. She is the oldest of the kids I told you about. Maddy this is one of my bosses, Mr. Avery Lawrence." They shook hands as Maddy smiled. "Hi, Mr. Lawrence."Maddy greeted. "Hi, Maddy," Avery said. 

Tyler beamed before bringing them both back to the matter at hand. "So, Avery what's wrong?" He asked. "Well, we have another shoot for you to do," Avery replied with a sigh. "We've been searching for new models to work with but they just weren't up to par. That was until I saw her." He said, focusing on the little girl before them. Tyler made a face, glancing between Maddy and Avery. "Her who? Maddy?" Tyler in a surprised tone.  Maddy's eyes went wide as she spoke. "Me? Model? I'm too little."

"No, it'll be great. We just want to know if you both have time." Avery stated. "I need to talk to her mom first, then we'll see. Give me a few minutes." Tyler said as he called Rachael on his phone.

Rachael answered the phone, delighted to see the ID said it was Tyler. "Hi, Tyler. I got your message. So ,when will you be home?"She asked with a smile. Tyler ran a hand through his hair before he turned away to talk. "There has been a change of plans," He began to say. "It turns out they want to use Maddy in some shot with me. And they need your permission. I'll understand if you say no." He said to her in a soft tone. 

Rachael smiled, knowing it wasn't his idea. "But first, let me talk to Kal." He said in a gentle tone. She smiled at him and walked over to where her son sat playing. "Kal. Tyler is on the phone, baby. Tyler. Phone." She told her child in a calm tone while she placed turned the phone's speaker on. Kal didn't like things on his ears and sometimes the sound from the earpiece of a phone is too loud.

"Hey, Kal. It's me Tyler. Maddy is with me. We'll be home soon, buddy. In time for dinner and for me to get you ready for bed. I promise. Bye-bye, Kal." Kal rocked with his head leaned to the side, grinning and speaking in his happy baby babble. Tyler smiled on the phone and listened to the little boy tell him in his own way that it was okay. 

Rachael took the phone off speaker and put an earpiece back to her ear to speak. "You have permission, Tyler. " Rachael told him. "I know you'll protect her. But I have to stay home with Kal. So, let me call Bette. She's also our lawyer." 

Tyler smiled as he walked off a bit to talk to her in private. "Okay. Will you be free tomorrow?" He asked her. "Sure, why?" She replied.  "Because it's Valentine's day and I have something special planned. Don't worry it will be once the kids are asleep." He told her.

"I look forward to it." She said smiling on the phone.  They said goodbye before hanging up. Tyler walked back where Maddy sat and waited for Bette to show up. Rachael called Bette and told her about Maddy since she was already downtown.

"So," Avery said as he walked around the room. "Are you sure this Bette is coming?" "Auntie Bette is the best lawyer ever. She's the greatest." Maddy told him in between sipping on some apple juice and eating a sandwich she had saved in her book bag. "If Rachael said that Bette is on her way, then she'll be here. She's a wonderful lawyer, friend, and person." Tyler stated.

"Why Tyler, that is the best thing that you could ever say about me." Bette sashayed in , causing Avery to take a pause. Bette was a walking billboard of natural beauty. Dressed in a tan suit jacket with matching color skirt, matching color five-inch heels, brown skin, high cheekbones, perfectly plump lips, just to start.  She was definitely turning heads. Including Avery's. 

Avery met her halfway to shake her hand. "Hello." He said to her. Bette gave an intrigued smile as she shook his hand back. "Hello." She said in return.  "Avery, this Bette Carter. Bette, this is Avery Lawrence." Tyler said, introducing them to each other. "Well, let's get to business shall we?" Bette asked, smiling at him.  Bette walked off first, heading over to give her god-daughter a big hug. Avery smiled, watching Bette interact with Maddy. "Yes, let's." He mumbled to himself while wonderful thoughts about Bette Carter suddenly filled his mind.

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