Chapter 23

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Two months later

Tyler and Rachael sat with Bette while Alyssa sat behind them with Kaleb, Avery, Janice, Candy, and Lucy. The adults giving the three of them mental and physical support. They sat there and held hands when a young Korean-American  male, who was the Case Coordinator, walked in with a middle-aged Black man wearing an official judicial robe.  The judge walked up to his chair and bench with the nameplate saying, Judge Peter Tompkins, facing them. A few seconds later,  Charles, Mary, Tina Ethos, and Maddy all walked in to take their seats at the table across from Bette's.

Mark Page, the Case Coordinator, handed the case file to the judge while the bailiff announced the judge. "Will everyone please stand. The honorable Judge Peter Tompkins presiding!" Everyone stood while the Judge stopped to talk to the case coordinator before addressing the court.

"Thank you, Reggie. Everyone, please be seated." Judge Tompkins stated. "Case 45693-2562, Charles Pennington vs. Rachael Sumner," Mark stated before the judge opened the files to check through it once more. At the mention of Rachael's last name, Tina, Mary, and Charles' heads whipped around in surprise from Mark Page over to Rachael and Tyler.

Maddy lifted her head at her mom's new last name and turned to stare in her seat. A huge grin spread on her face. She saw that Rachael and Tyler waved over at her. When? She mouthed to them. The night of your birthday. Happy birthday. Tyler mouthed to her. Maddy smiled more before feeling a stinging sensation in her face. Happy Birthday, baby. Rachael mouthed to her before the Judge finally glanced back up and began to speak.

Maddy just glanced down in her lap as she let the tears of joy silently fall. Whatever the judge happens to decide today at least Tyler is a permanent part of her family. "Well, I have reviewed the information from both lawyers. Usually, custody cases tend to take a while to move up on the docket due to so many of these types of cases needing attention." He addressed the closed courtroom. "But, I felt that given the circumstances this needs to be over with as soon as possible. I'll let both lawyers speak on behalf of their clients, before allowing them to have anyone take the stand and be cross-examined by me."

"What?" Tina Ethos said, surprised. "Can he do that? Is that fair?" Charles asked out loud.  "Huh?" Came from Bette. Judge Tompkins reached for and banged his gavel bringing order back to his courtroom. "Order! Order, I say!" He bellowed out. " The last thing I need is all the adults, lawyers included, to start acting like fools." He stared them all down and continued to speak in a stern tone." If at any time, anything happens to turn this case into farce I'll send everyone out of my courtroom and only talk to the young girl in question." He said before glancing back at her name in the file. "Maddison Daisy Ryland. Age ten. And I will make my only decision on what she says. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone agreed before Rachael raised her hand. "Excuse me, your Honor." She said, slowly standing to face the judge. "My son is here also. His name is Kaleb and he's Autistic. He might make noise is all I wanted to say." The judge read through the file to read again on Kaleb. He looked up and gave a nod while speaking. "Yes. I've read that and that's fine. Now." He turned his attention towards Tina Ethos.  "Ms. Ethos, since this is your client's case, I will let you speak first."

"Thank you, your Honor," Tina said, standing up. "My client, Charles Pennington is a man who has always loved his daughter. He wants to be able to raise her at least with joint custody if he can't have her fully." She said to the judge and the court.  "Mrs. Sumner has her hands full with her autistic son and can't give enough attention to young Maddison." Tina glanced back to her notes then to Charles and Mary. "While my client has a girlfriend who has plenty of income and time to attend to a sweet little girl like Maddison. Mrs. Sumner and my client argued on and off through the years about the child. Then finally when the child was age 4, she forced him to sign over his rights when he clearly wanted his daughter." Tina explained glancing from Rachael then back to the judge. "He just wants to have a chance to make it up to his only daughter, by finally getting to be her dad. Thank you for listening." She then sat down, feeling confident. Charles flashed a smile at Tina before turning to take Mary's hand and smiling at her also.

Judge Tompkins nodded as he looked to Bette. "Counselor?" Bette was about to speak when Rachael leaned over to her and whispered before Tyler whispered to her as well. Bette gave them looks of uncertainty before they gave small smiles to reassure her. "Counselor?" Judge Tompkins repeated, calling to Bette.  "Are you ready to speak?" Bette stood up and swallowed, before sighing. "Your, Honor." She began to say. "I wave the right to give my speech." 

Judge Tompkins arched an eyebrow while studying Bette and her clients. "Are you sure?" He said to them more than her. Tyler and Rachael nodded before she spoke. "Yes, Sir." Bette nodded in agreement.  "We would rather proceed and let this get underway." Bette finished. "Very well, then." He said, starting to begin when Charles jumped out of his seat. "Your Honor!" Charles yelled and pointed over to Rachael's side. "That's not right! Why isn't she saying something? What are they hiding!" He asked in anger, looking between the judge and Rachael.

Judge Tompkins slammed his gavel down hard causing Kal to stand up, scream and flail about. The judge had a sorrowful look before he quickly stepped down from his chair at the same time Maddy, Rachael, and Tyler went to Kaleb and Alyssa. Tyler reached them first as he gently grabbed a hold of the child as he threw his arms about and yelled his babble with tears streaming down his face. "Hey, buddy. Kal. Kal, it's me Tyler." He tried to calm the little boy. Rachael matched Tyler's soft tone while they tried to bring his arms down and make sure he didn't runoff. Maddy went over to him and gently rubbed soothing circles over his back through his shirt. "Shhh. Kaleb, it's okay." Maddy said, letting the tone of her voice match Tyler's and her mom's.  Tyler began to sing the theme song to Sesame Street in a soft, slow way over and over for a few minutes.

Kaleb stopped moving his arms, letting them relax. He switched from violently moving to gently rocking back and forth as Tyler stopped singing the song.  Kaleb slowly began to calm down until he stopped screaming and crying, now back to his rambling baby babble. Kaleb carefully leaned into Maddy and Tyler before he started to go quiet.

"Mom, here take him." Tyler gently told her. "He's shutting down from being overstimulated. He's going to take a nap." Alyssa lovingly picked the boy up in her arms as the judge stepped up closer. Everyone but Maddy and Rachael seemed amazed at Tyler's gift. Even his mother didn't know how good he was. Seeing him in action for the first time ever. "You can use my chamber and let him rest there." Judge Tompkins told Alyssa.  The Judge had Mark lead Alyssa who was carrying Kaleb and Tyler into his chambers before he got the courtroom calmed back down, sending a death stare to Charles.

"I want everyone out this courtroom now, with the exception of Mr. Pennington and his lawyer." The judge demanded. "But remain in the corridors. I'll question you all separately!" Everyone filed out of the courtroom by the time Tyler came back alone. He caught up with Rachael and their friends, confused to why they were in the hallway. "What happened?" He asked. "I came back to my seat and you were gone."

"Charles did it again," Rachael said as they hugged. "He's his own worse enemy." "Mama." A soft voice said behind her. They all turned to see Maddy stand there looking happy to see them. Rachael quickly pulled her baby girl into a hug, listening to her giggle. "Mama! I can't breathe!" Maddy said in between giggles before Rachael gave her a kiss. "Mama, is it really true?" The girl asked, hopeful. "You and Tyler are married?" Maddy smiled wider when her mom showed her ring. "Yep, Maddy. It's true." Tyler said, showing her his ring also. "The day you left, the judge came to marry us. It was your present from us." He told her before he gave her a hug and kiss.

"I'm sorry for all this baby. I'm sorry you weren't there." Rachael told her and cried softly. "Don't cry, mama." She said, putting on a brave face. "I'm happy. My birthday wish came true. Tyler and Alyssa are our family now. When I get back, we can have another wedding and my birthday again." She told them, saying it like a promise.

"Yeah, that's right Sweetie." He agreed.  "When you get back." Tyler smiled at her while secretly wanting this day over with. He wanted their little girl back home with his wife and their son. Once he had his turn, he'd make sure that the judge sees how dedicated he is to his wife and his step-children.

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