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"The first condition of immortality is death

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"The first condition of immortality is death."
Stanislaw Lec


Laylah sat beside her studying the woman, her body language uplifting as the sound of the club. Penelope had managed to locate the woman after some research, allowing them to ask her in for some questions.

'So, the Mad Scientist club. It sounds interesting,' Tara suggested to the woman before them.

'Yeah, it was fun,' The woman shrugged with a smile.

'What did you guys talk about?' Tara pressed.

'Um, advancements in medical research mostly. Stem cell, chromatin looping. Honestly, it was more of a drinking club after the first hour.'

'I'm curious, why the cemetery?' Laylah queried.

'It made it spookier. We were talking about all this out there kind of stuff, you know?'

'Was there anyone in the group who made you feel uncomfortable? Someone who gave off an odd vibe?' Tara suggested.

'There was this one guy. He only came a couple times, but he gave everyone the creeps.'

'How so? He started going off about how we were in a magical place and none of us realised because only he was from around here. We called him the Magic Man.'

'Do you remember his actual name?'

'Richard or Robert, maybe.'

'How about a last name?' Laylah pressed.

'No. Sorry.'

'What do you think he meant by magical place?'

'I have no idea. Like I said, he only came a few times and that was it. No one ever saw him again.'

The women glanced at one another, thanking the woman for coming in; letting her know they'd be in contact if they had anymore questions. They escorted her out before Laylah pulled out her phone, dialling Penelope's number as she strode into the room they'd been given to work with as Tara followed her.

'Hello, sweet pea,' Penelope greeted.

'Hey, Penn. You're on speaker, it's just me and Tara,' She replied.

'Listen, we need you to check something out for me. It is not much to run with, but-' Tara gushed.

'Mm, I will be the judge of that. Gimme, gimme,' Penelope replied with a smile.

'All right, we're looking for a student, first name Richard or Robert, no last name, who attended the Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville at the time that the Mad Scientist club was active.'

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