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"You see what power is holding someone else's fear in our hand and showing it to them

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"You see what power is holding someone else's fear in our hand and showing it to them."
Amy Tan


Laylah stood between Rossi and Hotch as they stared at the sketch of their unsub they're received, his face almost young looking, his tattoo clear as day and, dare she say it, almost handsome.

'The whereabouts of every male agent in the Bureau have been verified,' Rossi sighed.

'And the prison tat on the unsub's neck confirms that he isn't one of us. He's criminally sophisticated because he's done serious time,' Derek nodded.

'But somehow he figured out how to copy us, how we show our creds, how we talk to civilians. It's time to deliver the profile,' JJ glanced at her colleagues.

Laylah wandered away as JJ went to get Hotch, coming to stand by Spencer in the kitchen as he fixed himself a coffee. She crossed her arms over her chest as she studied her surroundings, her mind working as she leant back against the bench.

'You- You really want to go on a date with me?' Spencer stammered from beside her.

She looked to him quickly before smiling, 'Yeh. I-I really do. Why?'

'I just- I've only ever had one person say yes before.'


'Yeh... I just wanted to make sure I got it right.'

'You did. Promise. I'd love to go out with you, Spence.'

He nodded nervously with a smile, taking a sip from his coffee to try and hide his blushing cheeks. She chuckled softly, walking with him to stand with the others; Derek watching them closely with a teasing smile. Laylah rolled her eyes at him, but she was unable to hide her pinking cheeks as she lowered her head.

'We believe we're looking for a white male in his early forties who's posing as one of us,' Hotch scanned the room; 'He's using fake or stolen FBI credentials as a ruse to gain entry into the homes of vulnerable women.'

'The cobweb tattoo on his neck symbolises a very long prison term, most likely for violent crimes,' Morgan continued.

'That's where he picked up his criminal sophistication,' Rossi nodded.

'Now, he was probably forced to develop his verbal skills just to survive on the inside.'

'This means he's articulate, socially adept, and appears non-threatening,' JJ chimed.

'These are some of the same qualities that made Ted Bundy such an effective predator,' Hotch stated.

'Like Ted Bundy, the unsub most likely has anti-social personality disorder and may also suffer from claustrophilia,' Spencer suggested.

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