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"Now, we'll start this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer's gang

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"Now, we'll start this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer's gang. Everybody that wants to join has to take an oath and write his name in blood."
Mark Twain


Laylah strode into the full bullpen, sending the team a sheepish smile as she moved to sit in the only free chair; knowing she was very well running late. She quickly tucked her hair into a messy bun on the nape of her neck, her hands then finding the file on the table before her. She looked up when the room still remained silent, nodding to Emily to begin.

'Rick and Lenore Purcell are the latest victims of burglary-homicides in wealthy San Diego neighbourhoods,' Emily started.

'Last week the same happened to Janelle Klecker while her husband was out of town on business,' Stephen continued.

'Janelle Klecker lived in Del Mar. That's seven miles away. The Purcells were in Rancho Santa Fe,' Penelope informed them as more photos popped up on the TV screen behind them.

Laylah began to analyse the photos, cocking her head to the side slightly.

'Well, quite the party,' Rossi noted; 'Narcotics, booze, vandalism. Seems there was a fashion show.'

'Yeah, those are all women's clothing,' JJ muttered; 'It looks like our gang's both male and female.'

'Girls are just as susceptible as boys to gang recruitment. According to the National Youth Gang Center-' Luke stated.

'About twenty percent are females,' Laylah cut him off before blushing; 'That was a really Spencer thing to do. I apologise.'

The group chuckled before Stephen spoke, 'Often people join gangs for the sense of belonging, and if they're socially isolated, it provides them with a sense of family for the first time.'

'Yeah, gangs also tend to follow a hierarchy. Alpha on top, then muscle, devout right hand, and then the soldiers,' JJ added; 'So it looks like both times they grabbed cash and electronics but avoided jewels and art.'

'Well, that could be 'cause they know what's easy to sell and hard to track. That makes them criminally-experienced,' Luke nodded.

'Which is likely considering they moved in and out without witnesses or triggering alarms. But it is hard to maintain that level or organisation when you're high,' Laylah shook her head.

'An M.O. mismatch like that could have been caused by group dynamics. Too many cooks in the kitchen,' Rossi suggested.

'They should have waited until the house was empty but didn't. The gang could be thrill-seekers,' JJ added.

'Could have been why the residents were there when it happened. Once is an accident, twice a trend.'

'Garcia, see if any of the victims have secrets,' Emily instructed.

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