Day 31

29 6 14

Thursday, May 7, 2020  

It's like, 11:15 at night where I am.

I have a AP exam next week.

I'm procrastinating studying slightly as I haven't felt motivation in over two weeks (I am spending most of tomorrow studying, don't worry).

I'm wrapped in fluffy blankets on my bed.

And people say I'm going to hell for being part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

XD that's hilarious!

If I'm going to hell, it's going to be because a) I murdered murder someone, b) stole stuff, or c) did a bunch of other bad stuff I'm too tired to list, though the top two are 1) start a genocide and 2) launched some missiles into the ground and destroyed the Earth.

Anyway, I'm possibly high on sleep deprivation, so sorry ahead of time for my unfocused ramblings.

Aesthetic Sounding Stuff

Borrowing yourself in fluffy blankets

Borrowing into a pile of warm blankets

Falling asleep watching a movie under a warm blanket

C h o c o l a t e

Obnoxiously fluffy stuffed animals that you have a pile of and cuddle with 

A fiery sunset that you watch while laying in soft grass


Falling asleep curled up to someone warm

Curling up to someone who runs warm

B e a n i e s 

S w e a t e r s  a n d  s w e a t e r p a w s 

Hot chocolate in your favorite mug

Curling up under a blanket or in a oversized sweater, drinking hot chocolate, and reading or watching something 


H u g s


Cuddling with a floofy pet

Floofy hair

Small plants that litter an apartment

Books. Just, books. Books everywhere 

Proper sleep

Good dreams

Peaceful happiness

Fairy lights

Soft scarves 

Window sills

Window seats

Quill pens


A fireplace 

Laying in the sunlight and just soaking it in

Being a cat for a day

Adopting all your friends

Falling asleep with your friends around you and waking up cuddling someone's shoulder (I've done this before)

Old book stores with that smell and the worn covers



Pride flags

Celestial magic



The smell after it rains

Buds turning into blooms

Leaves when the sun shines through them

Stay safe kiddos! Don't forget to go outside and roll around in the grass or something

All my love <3<3<3


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