Day 129

26 7 25

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Just a little reminder that if you have questions to add to my pile I'd love some! But if you have none that's okay.


That moment when you're too nervous to talk to your parents about a potential sleep over with some friends because you've only been able to be face to face with people you know (not through a screen) twice in the six months you've been in quarantine and they haven't been the most approving of me being around friends since the last time even though they haven't found out about the roof climbing.

Yeah. Fun times.

Oh and let's not forget, I'm still trying to figure out if I want to tell my friends that I'm a demigirl and that my pronouns include they/them. I know I want to tell them face to face, not via screen, but I never had a good chance to tell them last time and now that I have another chance before school starts I really want to tell them!

There's a part of me that's scared they won't accept me but I'm pretty sure that's just the anxiety talking. I mean we had a group erase-or-cover-up-or-cut-out-JKRowling's-name-on-every-book because of her stance of trans rights so it's not a stretch to say that I'm pretty sure they'll be accepting. 

I also want to come out as panromantic, because as far as they know I'm just ace, romantic orientation unknown. I'm not scared about that, my friends are literally an aro ace, a lesbian goddess, and a pan icon. I just haven't told them yet and I feel like I should.

Also also I've been thinking about doing my face up in Janus' cosplay, but just the face and with face paint I think I have somewhere in my house. If I go through with it (and if we still have the paint) and it looks acceptable I'll probably post a picture in here.

Woo hoo, worrying over getting my parents to say yes to letting me sleep over with friends, then a gender coming out crisis then talking about wanting to come out as panromantic and then to top it, another potential face reveal for Janus face cosplay. I am all over the place today.


Welp, I never claimed to be rational.

Stay safe kiddos and remember to practice self care today/tonight.

Love you <3<3<3


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