Day 114

42 5 24

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


 That moment when you would have willingly died a couple hours ago because of stupid female anatomy that decided to hit you like a train.

So yeah.

I get cramps that are so bad I would willingly die to make it stop.

Nothing knew but whatever.

On the plus side that's also the time when I am most ready to murder someone, anyone. 

Seriously, if someone had handed me a knife I would have either stabbed my gut to try and remove my reproductive organs or stabbed someone.

Luckily the ibuprofen kicked in after thirty minutes of torture so I didn't blow up at someone.

However the intent was there and I have to wonder what it is about experiencing severe pain from cramps that make me so homicidal and at the same time passively suicidal (passively suicidal referring to the fact that I don't want to end my own life, however if someone were to try to kill me I wouldn't exactly put up a fight). 

Like really, what is that primal urge to destroy everything in my way that is triggered by this?!

Anyway I completely threw away a whole day of writing because of cramps and I'm mad at that, but tomorrow I have a guaranteed solid hour or two of no interruptions and I have to knock out the last chapter on my schedule so I can move on to my pet projects so yeah.

So I was homicidal a bit ago and I have a writing schedule I will keep because as soon as September starts I won't be able to write because school sucks and I have too many ideas to be abandoned. I need to start doing regular updates and maybe even create a reserve of chapters so when school comes I won't abandon my fics for months and then pop up again once summer's started back up again like "heyyyyyy I'm back, alive, and ready to continue". Like seriously no.

Also I need to finish at least one to lighten the load and I know which one is the closest to being complete (read: has at least twenty more chapters but that's better than the others).

Stay safe kiddos and remember to stay hydrated!

I love you <3<3<3


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