Day 120

29 4 3

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Positivity chapter!!!!

Okay, get into a comfortable position, preferably a cross legged one.

Place one foot on a knee, which ever one you feel the most comfortable with.

Straighten your spine, so you're not slouching but you're also not uncomfortable.

Place your hands in a comfortable position, it doesn't really matter where just your comfort.

Tune into your breathing.

Feel the air through your nose, feel it enter and exit.

Feel your chest expand and deflate.

Feel the minor movements from your breathing, your shoulders shifting.

Feel the movement of it all.

Now, allow the air to go further into your lungs.

Let it in, feel your lungs expand and expand.

And when you can't possibly take in anymore, let it out.

Gently exhale, feeling the air leave your lungs.

Do this again.

In as much as it can.

Out slowly, calmly.


In for as long as you can.

Out gently.

Do this as many times as you want, let it relax you.

Let the peace flow through you, with every breath you take.

Just focus on your breaths.

Stay safe kiddos and remember to hydrate!!

I love you <3<3<3<3


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