Day 74

30 6 13

Friday, June 19, 2020


Pride Day 19: words that describe me








If I said anything else I'd start to question why I said that or if I'm exaggerating or being too harsh or if I've been brainwashed to say those things, so I'll let you add to the list.

Comment as little or as much as you feel comfortable saying. Please, I want to know.


I have to mention it: today is Juneteenth. They don't really talk about it a lot, but it's the day of the emancipation of all slaves in the USA. 

The picture on the top is a celebration of that.

In light of the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement's spark of rekindling, it's only appropriate to mention it and make it very clear that I do not tolerate any white supremacy, Nazis, or hatred against people of any color, black, white, brown, red. We are all people, and I will be dammed if I let the past humans' actions and beliefs hurt people who have done nothing wrong! While I'm at it, if you're against all Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, or any other religion get the hell off my page because I will not tolerate that at all. Every religion has extremists, that does not mean everyone else who follows the religion is bad or evil or terrorists. 


Male gender roles, focusing on clothing, because for hell's sake let boys and men wear what they want to wear.

Let males wear dresses and skirts. Like seriously, I've seen guys in dresses and they are kill-👏-ing 👏 it 👏. Drag queens are kinda ridiculed for their art, but they look amazing in those dresses! And look at the Scots, they wore kilts in the past and let's be real, they were incredible warriors. Also, Roman soldiers? They wore leather things similar to skirts, to provide protection to their thighs and hips and stuff while also providing the ability to move around quickly in a battle. Oh, and Egyptians? Look at them hieroglyphics, do you see them wearing pants? Nope! Fabric wrapped around their hips and thighs much like modern skirts. So I repeat it: let 👏 males👏 wear 👏 skirts 👏 and 👏 dresses 👏

*** I used clapping hand emojis in case it looks like I did some weird spacing, I have no idea if they'll show up or not ***

Let males wear "girly" things. Let them wear things with unicorns on them. Let them wear pink and pastels. Let them wear rainbow prints and fluffy animals on their clothing. Let them wear these things without being called gay or worry about being thought of as gay. Let them wear these things, be they just born or over a hundred years old. Let them wear cutesy things with sparkles and sequins and glitter. Let them wear bows in their hair and headbands. Let them wear whatever color or print or glittery clothes they want.  

Let males wear makeup (obviously males old enough to not be harmed by it) if they want to. Let them wear eyeshadow and eyeliner and mascara. Let them put on foundation and concealer on. Let them blend in blush and add highlights. Let them wear lipstick. Let them paint their nails rainbow. Let them dye their hair crazy, out of this world colors. Let them wear colorful or elegant earrings and piercings. Let them hang jewels around their necks like a they're a woman going out to a royal ball. Let them be all this, without being called or labeled gay. 

Let males wear heels and heeled shoes— actually don't because heels as in high heels shorten your leg tendons so you literally can't wear anything but high heels and cause a lot of damage to the feet and legs so don't wear high heels everyday for decades. Be very careful everyone.

Let guys have this, let them wear lace and silk, pearl necklaces and cascading diamond earrings, soft pink and the cutest hair bows, let them be able to experience and explore this without being made fun of. Toxic masculinity is a real thing. 

Stay safe kiddos and make sure to drink some water okay?

I love you all <3<3<3


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