Day 85

24 4 9

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Pride Day 30: your definition of love

Love is love.

It's tight hugs after months apart.

It's soft hugs reminding them that you're there, you care.

It's shoulder touches, telling them you'll listen.

It's knees touching, giving each other stability.

It's glances at any time, making sure they're okay.

It's watching their face smile and laugh and cry and snort and sass.

It's good morning texts.

It's good night texts.

It's text after text explaining your thoughts on something and their attentive comments.

It's knowing you're being listened to.

It's resting your head on their shoulder.

It's smiles just for you.

It's them curling up next to you.

It's spending hours talking about nothing and everything.

It's recommending books to them and vis versa.

It's them laying their head in your shoulder.

It's inside jokes.

It's memories upon memories upon memories.

It's small notes saved.

It's finding their old homework you have for some reason, and admiring their doodles.

It's phone calls that last hours.

It's notebooks and sketchbooks and folders being passed around during class.

It's picking up their phrases and noticing that they've done the same.

It's making mistakes and working through them. 

It's knowing their favorite character in a certain fandom just because they talk about them so much.

It's watching episodes of a favorite show on a phone on a trip.

It's sneaking through a hotel at 11pm in socks to get ice.

It's making tea and hot chocolate with packets you all stole from the retreat.

It's falling asleep on the couch under blankets.

It's petting and holding pets and listening as they talk passionately about their pets.

It's supporting each other when they come out.

It's good and bad news shared.

It's recognizing their graphic socks they love.

It's wandering a mall for hours.

It's sharing money when one doesn't have enough.

It's the warmth you feel when they're happy.

It's burst of emotion you get when you see them.

It's music shared together.

It's tips and tricks.

It's trying to figure out the secrets of the world together.

It's advice you may or may not follow.

It's understanding their fandom just through listening.

It's stories remembered even though it's been years.

It's enjoying their company.

It's joining fandoms to hold better head canon talks.

It's encouraging each other.

It's picking one another up when the other is down.

It's crying together on the ground.

It's writing heartbreakingly beautiful letters.

It's talking about hobbies the other doesn't share but wants to hear about anyway.

It's being there for one another no matter what.

Love is all this and a thousand more things.

Love is love, it's all encompassing and ever changing. 

It's beauty and pain and joy and sorrow and staying together through it all because you love each other. 

That's what love is to me. 

And that's why I say 'I love you all' after every chapter, because you stick with me through my mental break downs and my crazy talks and my rambles. 

Happy Last Day of Pride, and remember to stay proud of your identity year round.

Stay safe kiddos and remember to take off your binder after 10 hours because you need your ribs and lungs to stay healthy.

I love you all so much <3<3<3<3


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