Day 134

36 6 11

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


I got tagged by KermitOnABreadstick 

Thank you kiddo!!

Thank you kiddo!!

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Character I love/hate

2. Princess Bride probably, I love it a lot

3. Stucky (Marvel's Avengers)

Healthy Anxceit (Sanders Sides, don't @ me with that unhealthy anxceit stuff, only good vibes here)

Deamus (Harry Potter) 

Now I am a multi-shipper so like, I ship most ships in the Sanders Sides 

4. Writing and knitting

5. Um, I have strict parents so I've never really played a video game outside of old Mario Cart and Super Smash Bro's at my friend's house

6. Um, carbonated drinks are hard for me to drink because the bubbles feel like they're burning my throat when I swallow. 

7. I am shy when uncomfortable or around people I don't know very well, and I get super outgoing when around people I feel safe/trust or in a place where I feel safe. 

8. Idk, Loki? He likes books, I like books, I'm in it for the friendship which is probably a good change of pace.... idk I can't romance for myself

9. Well-enough known author 

10. Basically anything Rick Riordan has written

The Song of Achilles

The Book Thief

11. Tags!!












I am literally pulling random names off of the top of my head, sorry if I didn't tag you! If you weren't tagged and still want to do it, go ahead!!

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