39 (Edited)

137 5 1

I had woken up to a pain all too familiar, I grabbed my phone and saw it was just after 5 in the morning.

I knew I was having contractions again, Axel was still sleeping peacefully next to me. And I was debating if I wanted to wake him up now, or wait for my nurse to come in which would be in able 10 minutes.

And since I didn't know how this day was going to pan out, I decided to let him sleep an extra 10 minutes.

I had started timing the contractions and they were coming about every 3 minutes and I wasn't sure what to make of them.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in making Axel shift next to me.

"I didn't expect you to be up," My nurse Jamie said.

"I started having contractions about 15 minutes ago," I said and Axel shot up looking at me.

"And you didn't wake me why?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Because I knew she would be in soon, and I wanted to let you sleep," And he shook his head at my stubbornness.

"Well, you're definitely having some contractions. Let's get around of vials on you and another urine sample and then we'll get the on-call doctor in," She said and I nodded my head and Axel helped me out of bed.

I did my business and gave it the nurse, who then set it down and started taking my vials.

"How's my blood pressure?" I asked and just gave me a pity smile.

"It's still really high, but the good thing is that baby isn't showing any form of being in distress. We're just taking this one step at a time," She smiled and grabbed my pee sample before heading out of my room.

"Are you still having contractions," Axel asked and I nodded my head, I could feel my stomach tightening every so often.

He had set me up and then maneuvered his body behind mine, and then started rubbing my back and shoulders.

There was a knock and then who I'm guessing is the on-call doctor walked in.

"I heard you're having some contractions," He said as he started looking at the monitor.

"Yeah, uh like two or the three weeks ago I started having them. But they were able to give me medicine," I explained and he nodded his head.

"Okay, I'm going to have the nurse set you up on a drip to either slow down your contractions or stop them altogether. I'm also going to have her come in more frequently to make sure your pre-eclampsia is at bay," He explained to us.

"Okay, thank you much," I smiled and he nodded his head to us.

The nurse had shortly after came in and started me on the medicine to stop my contractions, the doctor had also come back in and checked me and thankfully I wasn't dilated at all.

It was almost 8 and we were trying to wait a bit longer to let everyone know what was going on, as we knew they would all come up here and we wanted them to get their sleep.

"Before we let everyone know can you help me to the bathroom?" I asked Axel.

He got out of bed and then helped me out, and then just walked me into the bathroom and made sure I was okay before going back out into the room.

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