Eclipse's Necessity

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Hi, again! It's Nyx.

If you ever found yourself reading this, then I must really have to thank you with all of my heart once again. This serie wouldn't be here without the future love and support coming from all of you.

Again, just like the last time, if you ever encountered cliffhangers from the story, I would like to repeat myself that I already left the answers behind.

Hopefully, you had the chance to grab it as you ride along with the stories because Her Eternity is the sequel of His Aphrodite, thus the reason why some parts from both stories connects with each other. Just based on how the characters delivered every chapter scenarios by their point of views.

[Everything takes risks, remember that.]

I might as well have to apologize again, if you ever saw some errors along the way.

But you're always feel free to ask questions regarding all your curiosities. I'm always right here to answer it for you.

For now, regardless of how really grateful I am to you (who's reading this) for reaching this point, I would like to announce the next and the third serie of the Deity Series.

Warning: despite the interconnections to the previous ones, this is an independent story and will no longer circulates about Zackyro and Aphrodite.

Yes, it's unfortunate, but it's time for us to leave their story as we enter another one.

But don't worry, this next serie will still feature the both of them and how their love story continues. However, this story will now circulates more specifically about Crimson.

If you could still remember him from the two previous stories, yes, it is about him. If not, then kindly let me reminisce it for you.

Crimson is a member of the Alum. He's also one of the heir emperors of Dyad Luxe and he's the oldest among the Zima siblings.

ECLIPSE'S NECESSITY is anticipating for your love and support!

Just go visit my profile, once again and let's see how his story holds and strikes!

Thank you again and again, my dear Nyxies!
From the bottom of my heart, always keep safe as we see each other at the next serie!
Stay and be beautiful, love y'all!

[EDITED: Eclipse's Necessity is currently unpublished in the meantime. Working on it. His Aphrodite and Her Eternity are also possibly bound to go under editing and revision. Asking for your understanding and patience. Thank you. ]


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