22. To Each Their Own Plans

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Connie: First step - many Gems are gonna infiltrate, pretending to be part of their empire—

Steven: How will they get it?

Connie: They will persuade them to let them join voluntarily.

Steven: I see, please continue.

Connie: Second step - after gaining everyone's trust, they'll be free to wander Homeworld and get a lay of the land, gathering information to create a map showing the places where our friends are always—

Steven: What if our friends are not always in the same place?

Connie: Then we'll ask them to show us the places they usually frequent! And don't interrupt me again please!

Steven: Sorry! Sorry!

Connie: Third step - the super-little Gems will hide in the hair of the big ones. Once inside, they'll discreetly sabotage the weapons, get and send us the scanners we need to fix the rest of the Gems, and that's it. We'll do this little by little so as not to raise suspicions, until we reach the leaders.

Steven: I think I understand what you're getting at, but... what about you and me? What's our role in all this?

Connie: For the time being, our role is limited to waiting.

Steven: Waiting? What are we going to wait for?

Connie: We are going to wait until all the necessary information and other things are gathered, then we'll join the action on Homeworld as well.

Steven: I'm not sure that's the wisest thing to do, you know.

Connie: What do you mean?

Steven: Well, everybody on Homeworld must know my face pretty well by now, don't you think it would be counterproductive for us if I showed up on Homeworld?

Connie: It might. I've got that covered, though.

Steven: What?! How?!

Connie: Steven, there's something... rather, someone you're not taking into account.

Steven: *confused* Someone? Who do you—?

Connie: Stevonnie, no one on Homeworld has ever seen their face.

Steven: Ah, I get it all now! I see you thought of everything! Connie, you're a genius!

Connie: Of course I am. *she proudly said*

Steven: By the way, how long will all this take?

Connie: Well, now that you mention it, maybe... a month? No, maybe two or even more, I'm not entirely sure, why do you ask?

Steven: It's just... I thought I could use all that time to take a couple of therapy sessions again.

Connie: Really!? Did all this turmoil affect you that much?

Steven: Yeah, I haven't felt quite right since then.

Connie: I see. Then take all the time you need, Steven. Don't worry about the rest, we'll take care of it. *pecks him on his cheek* Remember I will always be there for you, all of us will be.

Steven: *blushes* Thank you very much.

【A few days later - Somewhere on Homeworld.】

[The four Gems responsible for everything are gathered in a dimly lit room talking about the current situation.]

Bluebird: Hey, did you hear about all the hustle and bustle in the universe lately?

Holly Blue Agate: Yeah.

Emerald: Several Gems from other planets have started to flee to earth.

???? ?????: What is it due to?

Bluebird: Do you think it's about Steven?

Emerald: Obviously yes.

Holly Blue Agate: I wonder what he plans to do.

Emerald: That doesn't matter, there's not much Steven can do against me, you guys know why!

???? ?????: We know, but... I think we should be prepared for whatever.

Emerald: Steven is probably wanting to form his own army.

Bluebird: Knowing his stupid pacifist attitude, I don't think he's capable of declaring war on us.

Holly Blue Agate: Still, even when he was alone, he had enough courage to attack us a few days ago.

???? ?????: Wouldn't it be feasible to attack Earth right now?

Emerald: Yes, maybe so. However, I have other plans for Earth. Since it's Steven's most precious place, I'm going to destroy it along with him. Not without first making him suffer as much as I can, of course.

Bluebird: Fair enough.

Emerald: No matter what Steven does, he'll never be a threat. So for now let's focus on rejuvenating more Gems to expand our army and empire and thus we will have even more advantage over him.

Bluebird: In fact, aside from the Gems who have fled to Earth, there have also been several Gems who have voluntarily joined us.

Emerald: Great! It was impossible that in this vast universe there weren't more Gems upset with Era Tres besides us.

Holly Blue Agate: You've got a point there.

???? ?????: But that hasn't happened before, has it? Don't you guys think that's kind of, uh, suspicious?

Emerald: Nah, no way! Give us a little credit, since we gave them the courage to come out of the shadows and rebel against Steven. It was only a matter of time before all those Gems lost their fear of his regime.

Bluebird: I understand, then they are welcome.

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