65- Dawn On

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Mean Lapis: *pacing back and forth* No way, no way, no way! You can't possibly be serious! I can't believe you– Wait a second! You're just messing with me, aren't you? I see, I see, so that's all it was, huh? *chuckles* Pretty sure you'll be back in three, two, one–

[Fifteen days later.]

(Mean Lapis slumped over the warp pad.)

Mean Lapis: *heavy sighing* Why?! *moans* Why aren't you back yet?! *sits up in warp pad* So you weren't kidding about leaving, huh? But why'd you do that? Why did you leave me?! *blushes* I-I-I-I mean, why did you leave, uh... *grasps her head with both hands* AAAAH!!! What the hell is wrong with me!?! It's been several days and I still can't get you out of my mind!!! No matter how hard I try, I can't!! Why?! I don't get it! You didn't even want to wait for me to tell you how I felt about– You know what?! I'm making a bigger deal out of it than I should!

(Mean Lapis stands up and walks away.)

Mean Lapis: I've had it! I'm not gonna stand here and wait for you for thousands of years like I'm some stupid Gem!! *walking away* I was just a little shocked by your sudden decision; but to tell you the truth, I don't give a damn that you left me! It's not like you mean anything to me, pffft, not at all! What's more, I don't even need you!! Even if it takes me longer, I can terraform any planet BY MYSELF!!!

(Mean Lapis pauses on the edge of a cliff, and her defeat by Lapis comes to her mind as she sees the water at the bottom.)

Mean Lapis: You're so right, though. If I keep terraforming on this or any other planet, that Lapis will kick my butt again.

(Mean Lapis sits down on the edge.)

Mean Lapis: I take back everything I said. I was just trying to act tough and ignore this feeling of loneliness, but I couldn't! I DO need you, not necessarily for terraforming, but to keep me company! You mean THE UNIVERSE to me! I thought I meant the same to you, but I see I don't. *sighs* Even the years we spent together didn't mean anything to you, otherwise you wouldn't have left me, would you? Or maybe you wouldn't have left me if I had told you how I felt about you? Nah, most likely you would've just laughed and left anyway. This kind of sentimentality is unlike Gems like us, that's why I was content to keep it to myself. I honestly thought we were fine that way, or did I do something wrong?

(She didn't think much about it.)

Mean Lapis: Nah, it's more than obvious I didn't do anything wrong, it's silly to even think about that possibility! This is all Steven Universe and his Lapis' fault, it was them who put stupid ideas in your head! That's got to be it, I can't find any other explanation! Everything was great until that pair showed up, we were having a wonderful time with our lifestyle. *sighs* It wasn't enough for them to make me purposeless, they also had to take you away from me.

(Mean Lapis hugs her knees tightly.)

Mean Lapis: I never thought I'd feel this way without you and I don't like it, it feels awful to be alone! I have no idea what I should do now, you and I were always– Oh, my stars! I just realized that I am talking to myself. *sighs* I miss her, I feel so lonely without her. *sighs as tears wells up in her eyes* I don't wanna feel that way anymore.

(Hearing her, several flower bud creatures peek out from a bush, she notices this.)

Mean Lapis: Huh? *blushes* How long have you been hiding in there!?! Oh, this is embarrassing! You heard everything I said, didn't you!?!

(The flower bud creatures walk out of the bush and approach Mean Lapis.)

Mean Lapis: Bah, whatever. After all, you're nothing but a lower lifeform. Pretty sure you don't even understand what I'm saying.

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