68- It's Getting Away

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(As Steven's team walks down a hallway, they find a room where some rubble is blocking the entrance and Gems can be heard screaming for help from inside.)

Steven: Did you guys hear that? It seems there are Gems in there.

Spinel: Then we should remove the rubble blocking the entrance ASAP, right?

Steven: Why is it even a question? Let's help them!

Jasper: When it comes to helping, count me out.

Steven: I know.

Jasper: I'll just stand guard over here, okay?

Steven: Fine.

(Steven and Spinel manage to remove all the rubble from the entrance, once inside the room, they find a bunch of Pearls terrified of what happened.)

Steven: They are all Pearls.

Spinel: So it seems. At least they're not such complicated Gems to deal with.

Steven: *shouts* Are any of you hurt?!

(The bunch of Pearls panic, so they run to a corner of the room, then hug each other while shivering in fear.)

Steven: Whoa, take it easy! We're not here to hurt you.

Spinel: Exactly. Just chill out a little bit, okay?

(The Pearls are still terrified.)

Spinel: It gets worse.

Steven: Shoot, what can we do to calm them down? Any ideas, Spinel?

Spinel: Hmm– Oh, I got it! *pulls out the Rubies' gemstones* Just check this out! *begins juggling the gemstones* Cool, huh?

Steven: Didn't you have something else to juggle?

Spinel: Nope! But Look, It's working.

(The Pearls, visibly captivated, find Spinel's juggling entertaining, so they begin to calm down.)

Steven: Yeah! Well done, Spinel, you're entertaining them!

Spinel: *juggling* Of course, entertaining people is my specialty.

Steven: You see, Pearls? We just want to help you, so if any of you are hurt, let me know. I can heal any kind of wound!

(A familiar Pearl steps forward, approaches Steven and Spinel and turns out to be Pink Pearl.)

Spinel: *still juggling* Pink Diamond's Pearl! I mean, the old one.

Pink Pearl: If you really want to help us, do you think you can help me with this? *points at her cracked eye* I don't even know how it happened.

Steven: Uh... I'm so sorry, in the past I tried to heal you once and it didn't work.

Pink Pearl: Oh.

Steven: Man, that crack didn't heal even with rejuvenation. Sometimes Mom's powers terrify me.

Spinel: I feel you.

Steven: Poor pearl, it's a shame that even with Mom's own powers I can't reverse the damage she did to her.

Spinel: You know, I saw this Pearl a couple of times, one day she was just replaced, I never knew why. But I didn't imagine that Pink had hurt her this way, she never showed that kind of power when she spent time with me.

Steven: Well, your assignment was to keep her happy, wasn't it? Those destructive powers only manifest through anger. I guess you were doing fine.

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