Chapter 10

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(Samie's Pov)

I told D everything I heard in the medical wing last night while we were on the way to the great hall for breakfast.

"It's true the Collin guy was petrified last night. He was so stiff."

"I can't believe it. The chamber of secrets is real!"

"Shush D." I slapped hit shoulder."

"I want to know more let's go to the library after class."

We went to the library after class.

"Look D it says that the Heir of Slytherin can speak parstletongue. Do you know anyone who can speak it?"

"All I know is that a parstlemouth is one of the traits of a dark wizard."

"So we are in danger." I gulped.

"Not really. I heard that it only targets mudblo-"

I gave a 'i dare you to finish that sentence' look.

"Not really. I heard that it only targets muggle-borns."

"Still. There are plenty of muggle-borns in Hogwarts."

"Hey look Lockhart's having a dueling club." D stated

"Bloody hell we are doomed" i teased

He just laughed at me.

We went to the club and I saw my dad. I approached him.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered to him.

"Believe me I would rather be grading papers than being the 'assistant' of Lockhart."

I laughed at him

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh so you think this is funny do you."

"Ofcourse it is" i giggled.

I went back to where the students are watching.

"Gather around, gather 'round. Can everyone see me, can everyone here me. Excellent." Lockhart said.

"In light of the dark events of these recent weeks Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little duelling club to train you all up incase you need to defend yourselves."

I rolled my eyes. You can't even defend yourself from pixies. I said to myself.

"Let me introduce my assisted, Professor Snape."

My dad went up the platform as gracefully as always. I want to be as graceful as him. I just a clutz.

"I don't want anyone of you youngsters to worry. You will still have your potions master when I'm through with him."

I snorted and everyone looked at me. Oops

My dad just winked at me.

They walked toward each other and bowed. They walked away and face each other again.

"1, 2, 3," Lockhart counted.

"EXPELLIARMUS" My dad shot at Lockhart. He went flying off to the other side of the platform.

We all laughed and the Slytherin cheered for Professor Snape.

"We're lucky Professor Snape is here if not I think this whole club will be the pixies all over again" D stated.

I agreed and so were the others. We didn't think D's voice was loud but it was loud enough for people to hear. They burst out laughing, well the boys did the girls just glared at us.

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