Chapter 67 : Sweet and Sour Chicken

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Present Day

"Thanks for taking us home Rob, you didn't have to you know." I glanced back at Rob and gave him a discreet smile as he looked up at me in the middle of juggling my luggage, duffel bag and Thomas's diaper bag as he walked up to the main door of my house. "I could have called Ruth and I'm sure she would have sent someone to pick us up." I tried to withheld my laughter as I raised my eyebrows at him, surprised at his determination to appear unfazed with all the weight he was lugging.

"This isn't much trouble. I didn't want to drive home alone, so might as well drop you and little Tommy off." He paused just right next to me in the foyer, eyeing me for a second then glancing down to my lips. For a moment I held my breath thinking he was going to do the unthinkable, but somehow I wasn't sure If it was my sudden frozen expression, or him glancing down to my shoulder and seeing Thomas sleeping that threw him back to reality. "Anyway, you guys are on the way." He sighed and carried the rest of the things to the family room.

I glanced at his retreating form, he seems quite forlorn since we left Malibu. I don't know why I'm making it my business but somehow a sad Rob just irks me, maybe because I'm not used to it. I was always the pessimist between the two of us and he would be the one joking around.

I shook my head trying to shake thoughts of us away as I slowly carried Thomas upstairs to his room. I glanced around his room checking if it was all comfortable and safe before I laid him down on his crib. I smiled and bent down to give him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight Sweetie." I whispered to him, a little tug in my heart to remind me that I'll never tire of doing this. I turned on his baby monitor and carried the mobile one with me as I went downstairs to see the other Thomas in my life. Or maybe not in my life...I paused in the landing as I second guess my thoughts. Yeah Kristen, tread lightly before you fall into the same old pattern. I grimaced to myself as I walked to the family room to find him.

"Hey" Rob greeted me as soon as I walked in the kitchen. He was just closing the door on my fridge. "I guess that little guy's down for the night, huh?" He asked with a smile.

I laughed as I saw him sneakily hid a piece of cookie in his left hand. "Yes he is, and you are stealing food from my fridge." I pointed out.

He shrugged. "Force of habit" Then he winked at me and I felt my knees go weak. Fuck. I silently reprimanded myself. I narrowed my eyes at him as he nibbled on his stolen goods. I wanted to smile, it's always a good feeling when someone likes your cooking. I let myself look at him more leisurely, finally. This has somehow made me realise that he has probably lost weight in the last few years, gone were the soft corners I used to lay my head on. Another tug. I held the monitor closely to my breast as if to protect my heart.

"See something you like?" He jibed.

"I was thinking you look like no one has fed you for a while." I responded in defense, but then it was actually my subconscious talking.

He shrugged as if agreeing with my statement but chose to remain mum. Suddenly there was this undeniable urge in me to please this man in front of me, regardless of our history. "Do you want to stay and I can make you dinner?" I blurted out. He looked back at me surprised.

"I thought you'd never ask." He replied with a hint of laughter and with the widest smile on his face, it made my toes tingle.

My God. The heart is a fickle thing indeed.

I can't help but smile back at him.


"Since when did you learn to chop properly?" I jokingly accused him as he was trying to chop the onions into fine pieces right next to me on the kitchen island.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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