Chapter 66

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I hate this.

I absolutely hate this.

Being stuck in a hospital sucks.

"How long am I supposed to stay here?" I grumble in annoyance, making my mom laugh quietly.

"As long as needed, honey. Don't whine, it's for your own good."

"But it's so boring in here!"

"Would you rather watch Lia deal with that Scott boy? I'm sure it'd be more amusing." Tyson comments, typing something on his phone. He and my dad have been sitting on the small sofa in my room and talking quietly for almost an hour now. My mom keeps fretting over me, asking if I need anything or if I'm in pain every five minutes. It's a bit annoying, but I know it's only because she cares about me.

"As a matter of fact, I think I'd like to see what she does to him." I smirk at Tyson, getting a quiet hum in response.

"Maybe you can... Adrian is recording everything. He'll send me the video later."

"I'm guessing you're talking to him right now?" Dad implores curiously.

"No, I'm talking with Ashton. Adrian is busy recording." Tyson chuckles.

"Why didn't you go with Lia to deal with that guy? I thought you'd want to be there with her..." I trail off, frowning confusedly.

"Did you forget what my daughter's like? There's no need for me to intervene. You don't get between a hunter and their prey. And I know Lia would rather I stayed here to watch over you. – he says before turning to my dad – No offense, but you're not exactly a bodyguard material."

Dad laughs heartily, shaking his head. "No, I'm not. Though I don't think there's a need for a bodyguard."

"You never know with assholes like that Scott boy. He wasn't alone, who's to say his buddies won't do anything?" Well, we can't argue with that...

"Boys, don't talk about this. Blake shouldn't get stressed out."

"I'm not stressed out, mom." I sigh in exasperation, making her glare at me.

"Don't argue with me, Blake. Or I'll start treating you like a doctor instead of a mother." She threatens, making me nod frantically. "Don't move your head! You have a concussion!" She admonishes harshly.

"Sorry." I apologize meekly.

"Sorry won't cut it. I'm going to get the doctor." Mom scowls at me then storms out of the room.

"Oh boy, you messed up good." Dad laughs and I send him a glare.

"Thanks dad." I retort dryly before sighing heavily and looking out the window distractedly. I wonder what my kitten is doing...

Mom comes back with the doctor few minutes later, telling him how I 'moved my head too much' and that I need to have another scan done. I can't help but roll my eyes at this. My mom can be so overbearing at times, I swear to god.

The doctor, much to my displeasure, agrees with my mother – I guess it's because she's also a doctor – and tells the nurse to bring me for a CT again. I barely keep my nerves at bay during the scan, getting increasingly annoyed by all this. How many tests are they going to do?!

It takes a while to get results and as soon as they're ready, the doctor relays them to us, saying how glad he is to see me recover so well. He says that it's a really good sign that there's no bleeding and that it's possible I'll be able to get discharged in two or three days if nothing changes. I just have to be careful to not move my head too suddenly and not overexert myself.

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