The Burrows and the Going to the Quidditch Cup

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Estella's summer was full of writing to Harry; sending him food since his guardians refused to let him eat more than a snack, visiting Ron, Hermione, and Sienna, and recurring dreams that didn't make sense since they happened in small snippets.

The week prior to the Quidditch Cup, she arrived at the Weasleys. Estella sat with Hermione and Sienna at the kitchen table, talking about their upcoming schedules as Fred, George, and Ron came pounding down the stairs. She watched as George smiled at her before leaning and peppering her face in kisses resulting in a laughing Sienna who pushed his head away.

"Good morning, George," Sienna laughed.

"Morning, love!" He plopped into the chair next to her as Fred sat across from them.

He turned smirkingly to Estella, "Ready to see your little boyfriend?"

Estella kicked him under the table, "He's not my boyfriend!"

"Breakfast!" Molly Weasley announced, and with a wave of her wand, scrambled, and over-easy eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, beans, and an abundance of fruits appeared on the table.

Estella couldn't wait to see Harry. Ron, of course, was absolutely ecstatic to see his best friend. He claimed it was different with Estella and Hermione, that Estella was too much like a sister, and well, Hermione was Hermione. Estella knew what that was code for.

The twins, Ron, and Mr. Weasley, left to go get Harry. Ron replaced Estella since she lost a game of rock-paper-scissors to him.

Within fifteen minutes and with the sound of a shoosh, the four materialized in front of her.


"Es!" Estella bolted at him, leaping into his arms in a passionate hug. It'd been too long since she'd seen him, heard his voice, and was held in his arms. Harry stumbled back as Estella hit him full force. His arms instantly wrapped around her, a hand cradling the back of her head and the other encircled around her waist.

"Merlin, I missed you," she whispered, breathing him in. It was so good to see him.

"Es, I-"

"Harry!" a voice yelled. Estella pulled away, recognizing the voice as Ginny, who'd been quite cold to her lately.

"Oh, hello, Ginny," Harry said, his eyes never leaving Estella. She'd grown and probably stood around five foot five, her hair reached the middle of her back, and a smile and light freckles scattered her face. If it was possible, she'd grown even more beautiful.

"Hi Harry, how was your holiday?" Ginny moved up next to him.

"Oh, it was ok; Estella kept me fed," he laughed.

Before any of them could say anything else, there was a faint popping noise, and Mr. Weasley appeared out of thin air at George's shoulders. He was looking angrier than Estella had ever seen him.

"That wasn't funny, Fred!" he shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything," said Fred with another evil grin. "I just dropped it...It was his fault he went and ate it; I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" roared Mr. Weasley. "You knew he'd eat it; you knew he was on a diet-"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked eagerly.

"It was four feet long before his parents would let me shrink it!"

Harry and the Weasleys roared with laughter.

"It isn't funny!" Mr. Weasley shouted. "That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles and my own sons-"

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