Chapter 34.

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As part of the Inquisitorial squad, I had to still help Umbridge. I saw how some people from Dumbledore's Squad going into her office. I knew were they were all going, my mark started to burn, I knew where I had to be.
-Grab her! And everyone that tried to go near Umbridge's office!- I yelled to my friends.
They did as I said, until we got to her office where Harry, Hermione and Ron were standing. I pointed at them and we grabbed them. Umbridge then soon came and made Harry sit on a chair. Every minute my mark was itching and burning even harder. Theodore, Blaise ad Draco seemed to notice.
-Is it burning?
-Y-y-yes, I've got to go.
-You can not right now.
-Wow, Theodore you are so clever. I didn't notice.
-Well, what do you want me to do?
-Just, shut up. They can hear us, since we are literally grabbing them.- I turned around and pushed the person I was grabbing against the wall, then turned around and squeezed them with my back. I placed my hand on my mark, each moment it hurt quite a lot.
-Are you alright Y/n?- Pansy asked.
-The mark.- The boys mouther her and Daphne.
The person started to move so I removed my hand from my forearm and grabbed the person again. 
-It will be alright, darling. Calm down.- Draco grabbed the person with just one hand, he was actually really strong, and with the other he rubbed my mark so it won't hurt that much.
-I've got to go.
-You can't right now.
I saw Umbridge slapping Harry across the face. -Liar!- I looked at her confused.
-You sent for me, headmistress?- Professor Snape came into the room. He saw hoe desperate I was, he knew why so he just nodded.
-Snape. Yes. The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?
-I'm afraid you've used all my stores interrogating students, the last of it on Miss Chang.- I saw the trio exchanging looks. -Unless you wish to poison him and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did--I can not help you.
-H-He's got Padfoot.- Harry said as Snape was walking away.
-Bloody hell.- I thought.
I then stopped listening to their conversation.
-Tell her Harry!- I heard Hermione.
-Tell me what?- Umbridge asked, she was pointing her wand at him which made me confused. 
-Well, if you won't tell her where it is...I will.
-Where what is?
-Dumbledore's secret weapon. 
They then walked out of the room, leaving us with the rest of their squad.
-I really got to go.- I grabbed the person's arm and took them closer to Crabbe. -Do you think you can handle two?- He smiled and nodded.
-Yes, go now.
I apparated to the ministry and put my mask on. I met Lucius and other Death Eaters there. We apparated to the prophecies, where I found Hermione, Ron, Harry and the rest of his squad. My plan to protect them was over now, -They couldn't stay out of trouble for one day.- I thought.
-Where's Sirius?
-You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams...- Lucius took his mask off with his wand. -...And reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy.
-You do anything to us, I'll break it.
-What an idiotic kid.- I thought.
I heard Bellatrix laughing from behind us, I really admired her in a way, I didn't know why. -He knows how to She said walking closer to where we were.
-Bellatrix Lestrange.- Neville took a step closer.
-Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mom and dad?
-Oh she didn't.- I thought.
-About to be avenged.- Neville pointed his wand at her, but Harry held him back.
-Now, let's everybody just calm down.- Lucius said. -Shall we? All we want is that prophecy.
-Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?
-You dare speak his name?- Bellatrix said. -You filthy half-blood!
-It's alright, he's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven't you ever wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Hm? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me, and I can show you everything.
-I've waited fourteen years.
-I know.
-I guess I can wait a little longer.
-Now! Stupefy!
We apparated away and then apparated again in front of them, showing our hands for them to put the prophecy. I was the only one who didn't take their mask off since I couldn't be noticed by them, otherwise they would say something and I would be fucked up. I followed them and fought them as long as I could. -Hand me the prophecy!- I yelled. -Just do it!- I casted an spell which hit them, then they tried to attack, but I apparated away.
The prophecies started falling, they ran and ran, until they got to the door and fell.
We all flew around them, creating a big black cloud. They couldn't see anything so each of us grabbed one of them and pointed our wands to their necks, around the big circle we were in.
Harry stood up, looked around and saw each of us grabbing one of his friends. Lucius chuckled. -Did you actually believe, or were you truly...naive enough to think...-He kept walking closer to Harry, helping himself with his walking stick. -That children stood a chance... against us? I'll make this... simple for you, Potter.- He then showed his hand to Harry expecting him to be clever and just do as he said. -Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die.
Harry looked at his surroundings. - Don't give it to him, Harry!- Neville yelled. I didn't know if he was really brave or really foolish for saying that at that exact time.
-Shh!- Bellatrix said.
Harry handed Lucius the prophecy. As he was admiring it a light came from behind them, and Sirius appeared next to the big arch. -Get away from my godson.- Sirius punched Lucius. A big light came around the room, me and Bellatrix dodge it and apparated to another side of the room. I met Sirius a couple of times before, I talked to him quite a lot after third year, he was really clever and fun to spend time with.
The Order of the Phoenix, appeared in the room and fought all of us. We all then moved to where Harry and Sirius were talking, against a big rock. We threw spells at each other and dodged as well. It was getting senseless now.
-Expelliarmus!- Harry yelled.
-Nice one, James!- I heard Sirius, who then disarmed Lucius. He was the best wizard I've ever met. I wanted to be like him when I grew older. Lucius then flew across the room.
-Avada Kadavra!- I heard Bellatrix yell from the distance. I then saw the green light hit Sirius, he looked at Harry and then at me, he smiled and then I saw how his soul flew away. I heard Harry screaming as Lupin was holding him back, he then saw Bellatrix walking away and followed her.
I then apparated away, I don't know how I did, I was feeling really weak, I saw my role model die, he taught me quite a lot.

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