Chapter 104: A Step Closer

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My head was deep in my thoughts as I took a much needed shower to rinse off all the blood and dirt off of me. All my movements were without a thought, simply an instinct on its own.

The same goes when I ate my breakfast, that was combined with lunch. The act of taking food, putting it my mouth, chewing, and swallowing was a blur to me.

After my meal, I excused myself to go outside to the wide grassy yard. Dr. Joy didn't seem to question anything I did, and I appreciated that, since I wasn't too sure of what I was doing either.

The grass felt warm to my cold feet; the sun drying out the drops of water from my drenched hair. I forgot to put away the towel that was resting on my shoulders, but now I couldn't be bothered to go back and place it on the rack where it belongs. It's coming with me on this pointless walk now.

Without me realizing it, I had reached the edge of the yard. In front of me were tall, luscious trees that casted strong shadows over the undergrowth below. All alone, I was more than curious to go out and venture out of the boundaries set.

I glanced back, not seeing anyone outside or a figure standing by the windows. No one was watching.

A smile crawled on my face. Perhaps this sudden urge to check out unknown territories was from the wolf side of me. The side that longed to be one with nature and the freedom brought along with it.

Here I was, barefooted, walking on cool grass dampened by dew, breathing in oxygen from the green leaves fresh out of the process of photosynthesis. The quiet hum of the wild animals and bugs surrounded me, bringing a sense of peace unlike no mall or city can give.

Being here, alone, free to do whatever I want. It was a feeling that can't be easily described by words.

I hopped onto the log of a fallen tree, my arms extending to my sides as I kept my balance on the slippery wood. One step after the other, a foot placed down right in front of the one before. A light laugh escaped me as I did a small jump to avoid a part covered by green vines, successfully landing steadily on the other side.

Having fun?

The question was answered by the rush of joy and excitement as I leaped from the fallen tree and onto a decently sized rock, keeping my foot steady before jumping on another one nearby. I stared ahead, seeing the many stones and rocks in front of me just begging to be stepped on. I bounced from one rock to another, my legs almost in a skipping-like motion, leaping from one small platform to the next as fast as I could.

My eyes caught a flash of a brownish-green green color, and I paused, looking up to see vines hanging off the branches of the trees.

I wonder....

My mind was now filled with the urge to execute this poor idea. I got off the rock and took a few steps away, still keeping my eyes fixed on the hanging vine. Once I reached a good enough distance, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, I was met with the sharp blue eyes of my wolf, who had an ear twitched back from the idea I was mustering up in my brain.

Her doubt for my useless plan was replied by my careless smile. I jogged up to the see-through wall, still keeping that smile plastered on my face as I placed my hand on it.

"Lend me your strength, Ziahra!"

The wolf merely sighed, nudging one of its giant paws against the wall and allowing me full access to her grand power.

I took a good amount in, directing it to my legs and arms, empowering them over the limits a mere human would have. I lowered my body, legs bending down and my arms brought back, eyes focused on the target above me.

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