Consequence (II)

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Out of the blue, a hand has made its contact with Chaewon's shoulder making the girl flinch due to the shock, "you're not from here, aren't you?"

Shifting her body to the stranger, she raises her brow in confusion with her head slightly tilted to the side, 'just what is she talking about?' She thought to herself.

"What do you mean I'm not from here?"

"Let me just rephrase that. You're not from this timeline, aren't you? I'm guessing you're from the future lurking in the past. Am I right or am I right?"

"Just what are you talking about? Of course, I'm from here. Is it even possible for someone to time travel?" Chaewon chuckles nervously but she tries hard to not make it obvious.

The stranger rolls her eyes knowing full well that the girl just straight up lying, "don't even try to lie. I saw you came out of a portal last night while I was walking around the street. Not only that, you were looking at the poster shock at the date. What are you doing here anyway? And who were you following?"

Chaewon got caught red-handed and the only thing she can do is just sigh in defeat, "You're right. I'm not from here. I'm from the future- 4 years from now to be exact. To be honest, I didn't know how I got here.

The person I was following the whole night was me.

I had just witnessed one of the best moments I had in my life. The girl I spent time with made me feel..... Free for the first time. All my life, I had only breathed the suffocating air. It felt as if my lung was about to burst from the pressure.

It was in the middle of the night when I went out of my house expecting to only get some fresh air and perhaps to clear my mind a little, but instead, I met........ Her.

The night flew by in a blink of an eye.

All I ever wanted was to see her again.

But I'm scared she will see me as a creep.

I didn't want to seem too eager.

I was afraid.

So afraid to the point where I didn't know I let the moment slip through my fingers.

I thought if I pray hard enough, I would get another chance... But it never came.

I never saw her again.

I didn't even manage to get her name.

Now is the only time I can change my fate. If I can convince or give a boost to the younger version of me, I might get to see her more frequently in the future."

A frown made its way towards Chaewon's face forcing her lips to slightly pout. Sadness. Guilt. Regret. Feeling ashamed, she lowers down her gaze and turns her face away from the stranger. Tears are starting to build up except she's not the one who would cry in front of people.

And so she held it in.

Feeling like she should stop the girl from doing anything, the stranger grabs Chaewon's wrist, "don't do it! What you're trying to do is just so wrong! The past is the past! You wouldn't want to mess with it! Don't you know there are always consequences in everything you do?"

All that rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. It consumed all that she was, "you don't understand! You weren't the one who has to go through everyday feeling regretful for not being brave enough! You weren't the one who has to live with emptiness in your heart!

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