Fire And Ice (II)

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Yuri's POV

It's been 2 months since we've lived together and from what we know, there are still 3 months left before our parents come back from their trip to Japan.

There are still 3 months left before Yena and I act like how we used to in school.

I couldn't see her except during our club meeting.

If I have to be honest, living with Yena is a thrilling experience even though both of us are totally opposite of each other. You can say we're like fire and ice.

The silence this room holds makes me feel at ease. It is as if all the thoughts that are killing me inside are scared of the silence. It's a perfect time to read a book.

Pouring myself into the page, scoring the book as I skim read it until my eyes are almost cross-eyed as the words written on the page start to merge into nonsense.

Reading a book during my free time with nothing but just the comforting silence is what I live for.

It is only then when a sudden disturbance occurs from the room this wall separates. It's so loud that it flows through my veins and swirls in my head.

I know I said living with Yena isn't that bad but sometimes there are cons to it. One of them is that while I prefer being in a quiet place, she prefers being drowned in her music instead.

I sat up from my seat only to walk my way towards her room before knocking on the door. I may hate being disturbed, but I still maintain my politeness especially it's her apartment that I'm living in.

"Oh? Is there something I can help you with, Yuri?" She still keeps her smiley face even when she's indeed confused. There was kindness in her smile, a gentleness. That's what I hate about her sometimes.

She's always kind and puts a smile on her face, making me feel guilty for hating her in the first place.

"Can you keep your music down? I'm trying to read but I can't when it's too loud."

"I'm sorry about the loud music. It keeps my mind busy as if it's trying to block all of the negative thoughts. I'll keep it down for you."

There she goes again making me feel guilty. I guess that's what people meant by each individual has their own reason for doing something. While I like being in the silence to ease my mind, she drowns herself in music to block negativity instead.

Two different ways and two different reasons.

Even though it can be a pain in the ass sometimes when we have our totally different preference, there's a time where I'm glad we're different.

The sky was as grey as a coal miners handkerchief and so low that the world felt small and close. There was a sudden downpour and through the rain drenches air came the first long low rumbles of thunder.

The violent unforgiving wind raced through the streets and the clatter of loose roof tiles could be heard from above.

Have I ever told you that I hate the sound of the thunder roaring in the sky?

There really isn't any reason why I hate it. I'm not scared of it nor I have any trauma relating to it. I just can't breathe normally when there is thunder roaring every few seconds making my heart to pump faster and forcefully.

Usually, I would hug my life-size plushie whenever I'm experiencing this type of encounter but right now, I don't have it with me. I can't possibly run towards Yena for comforts. What would she think of me if I do?

For the 3rd time, the thunder roars as loud as the lion roars to the enemy whenever one of its members get attacked or hurt even.

That's okay, Yuri. Just breathe in and out slowly. Don't think about the sound. Just close your eyes and sleep.

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