The Colour Of Dusk

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I have seen your
Darkest nights
And brightest days
And I want you to know
That I will be here
Loving you
In dusk

- Atticus


Dusk comes to lead us moonlight, to the time of reflection upon the day passed and awaiting day to be renewed by the light of the sun. It is when the birds sing goodnight until the stars bid them dream under-wing.

Each hue deepens in noble solemnity, perceiving unity in the night.

Your hand that formerly moving to brush and stroking your lover's body with consideration and tenderness now becomes the claws of the past which destroys them till they're traumatised by it.

The neglected tree was in no state to be the gemstone of anything. Tears in which flow like there is never tomorrow, are disregarded as you realise you still have friends to believe in.

Day passes each day, you'll see how the rain drives away just as how the day passes.

The leaves had changed colours, lining the trees with speckles of orange, red and yellow. When the wind blew they came down, crushing delicately off of tree branches and fluttering down to earth like a multicoloured rain.

If a single leaf starts to fall, does the tree lie broken with it? Or does it move on and wait for another leaf to grow within it?

Is that how people start to fall apart when they lose their loved one?

Humans have been using well for centuries as a source of water. If we draw too much water from it, does the well eventually run dry? Explains why some people stop using the well as their source of water.

Is that how your tears dry up after crying for so long?

We all had suffered a loss even though we all have lost someone who is or was once close to our heart. But how come no matter how much you think how a good person they are, heaven could not see or notice them at all?

What did they do wrong?

Gentle drops of water tap Minju's head. 'No. No. No. This cannot be happening,' she cries mentally. Looking up to see a mass of angry clouds stirring above her, doing what they do best, bring forth the rain at the wrong time.

The ground becomes filthier each time she steps on it, swallowing her feet with it. She must get home quickly before it rains harder. Preparing herself to run to her house with her Mathematics book on top of her, she stops in the middle.

She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Soon after, she heard what sounds like the rhythm of the rain letting each drop clearing a beat upon a cerise fabric. She realises she was under an umbrella. But from what she knows, she never did bring an umbrella together with her earlier.

"Didn't bring your umbrella?" she heard a voice which sounds so familiar and so soothing in her ears. She knows exactly whose voice belongs to. She didn't have to think hard to know that the person beside her is none other than Kim Chaewon.

"Come on, let's go. By the look of it, I don't think the rain will ever stop," Minju felt a strong arm wrapping around her shoulder pulling her closer to the older's side. The older probably did that to make sure she didn't get drenched or something.

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