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Chaewon is trying to impress Minjoo and ends up falling flat on her face.

The music was so loud that it made Minjoo's skin tingle and her lungs feel mushed. The bass thumped in time with my heartbeat as though they were one, filling her from head to toe with music. She doesn't know if she likes this song though.

Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. She couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in her ears and wouldn't seem to stop.

"Who's next? Who wants to sing to the next song?" The host or should we call her by her real name, Ahn Yujin said with a tone where everyone can hear how cheerful and happy she is.

"Minjoo, you should go since you haven't showcase your talent yet. Maybe you could change the mood at least," Yuri said.

If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't be here in the first place. But it's Yuri's birthday and she's also her best friend so she couldn't ditch her.

She grabs the microphone from the previous singer and chooses one of her all-time favourite songs to sing whenever she goes here with her friends.

It's called "The Butterfly Effect". Something about the song makes her heart warms with no reason at all.

Warming up her throat at the same time when the song starts off with just the sound of the instrumental before the song actually starts, she places the microphone just right in front of her mouth ready to sing the first verse.

Here we are
Tears are dripping to your lips
Who would ever guess
We got here from that kiss

Now you say
Everything that you would change
But we pushed too far
With no chance to erase

Like the butterfly effect
It was only just a speck
That made into a
Broken-hearted mess

Like the butterfly effect
It's so easy to regret
But I would never change
The way we left

Though I wish
You never broke my heart
I don't want a brand new start
I'm not me without my scars

Though I wish
We never fell apart
It made us who we are
And at least we left a mark

Don't you dare
Say it was all a waste
Cause we would never be
The way we are today

Now we find
Beauty in all the pain
There's a reason for the rainbow Through the rain

Like the butterfly effect
It was only just a speck
That made into a
Broken-hearted mess

Like the butterfly effect
What you get is what you get
But I would never change
The way we left

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