Disaster (I)

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The night was a special kind of blackness, it was the softness that let the heart go to its steady rhythm. The warm black will warm your heart no matter what. It is the pure black that makes the moon so beautiful.

It was already midnight when chaewon finally come home from work. By work, I mean at the club.

Minju knew that, but she just acts as if she doesn't. She even stays awake alone in the darkness just to wait for the latter to come back home.

Yes, they live together now. It was chaewon's idea. For her to live with minju in this small apartment. Even though it's their home, to Minju it doesn't feel like it.

Wvery day, she had to see Chaewon walking inside their shared apartment drunk. Couldn't even walk in a straight line. Her legs are all wobbly and jiggly. She knew Chaewon loves to drink to deal with her stress.

But she doesn't care.

She just loves the latter too much.

"Chae...... Where have you been?" Minju asks trying to support Chaewon's drunk self by putting Chaewon's right arm around her neck and her arm on the latter's waist to prevent her from falling onto the hard cold ground.

"Work," Chaewon answers bluntly. Minju let out a sigh as the sign of dissapointment. The latter could've just been truthful to her by saying that she was at the club or bar at that time.

She decides not to utter any question anymore to the latter as the sign of annoyed and frustration can be seen from the latter's face. The latter looks like she wasn't having any of this.

Not at all.

"Let's just sleep. It's getting late," it is the last word Minju had said to Chaewon for the day before her back makes contact to the white painted wall. Minju's favourite colour.

Chaewon pushed her.

Minju once again sigh for the last time watching Chaewon walking towards their bedroom only to make herself comfortable in bed. Taking the soft, fluffy blanket all to herself. Leaving minju only a pillow without any blanket to tuck herself with to keep her body from getting cold during the night.

She would have a rough night today.

She had to deal with it.

She always does.

She's used to this kind of treatment.

Chaewon and Minju or as you would call them '2kim', could have been living happily ever after like every fairy tale we've heard of.

Fairy tales where the characters end up marrying each other as their love can never tear them apart and be happy together with their own family without having any problems.

Sadly, Chaewon and Minju weren't like that at all. though they have been together for almost a decade, their relationship was more like a disaster compare to those lovey-dovey clingy couples we saw every day.

Minju wasn't at fault or to blame. She just acts like any girlfriend would treat their partner. She really cares and loves Chaewon to the point where she rather hurt herself than letting her go.

And minju regretted it. She should've known that Chaewon had never felt the same. She should've let her go for the latter to be happy and free.

Free from her.

If only she wasn't that love-struck. If only she ends their relationship when she started to notice the changes in their relationship.

She wouldn't have been this hurt.

She wouldn't have felt alone.

If there's a mirror in front of Minju right now, you can see the sadness and pain in her eyes every day whenever the latter ignores her presence or gives her a cold shoulder.

She trusted the latter too much despite the consequences and her limitation. She trusted the latter that she would never hurt her.

She trusts too much.

She hopes too much.

Now look at what had happened to her now.





Their relationship, their love- used to be so rich. Everyone envy their loves for each other. Oh, if only they know. If only they know how they really are. No one wants to have the same relationship as them. Not even minju.

She didnt asks for this.

She just wants to be like any other couple.

She was so dumb to let Chaewon into her life. She wanted it in the first place. She asks for this. She asks to be with Chaewon. She wants Chaewon to be hers. Now that she finally gets what she wants...

Why isn't she happy?

Maybe Minju never thought they would end up like this. Maybe its because Chaewon used to give all her love and treat her like a diamond.

Why did she change?

That's what Minju has always wonder to herself. If she knew they would end up being a toxic couple, she would've run.

Away from her.

Away from Kim Chaewon.

Heck, she wouldnt even dare to be her friend in the first place. She wouldnt dare to go near her. She wouldnt give it all to her. Her soul, her love, her time. But now that she did, she had to lose and what's left is nothing...

But the feeling of numbness.

Minju was right after all. She was just another victim. Someone Chaewon thought that she could play. She had always had the feeling. The feeling of getting hurt by the latter. If only she listen to her heart.

If only she listened.

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