I'm Here For You

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This story is about comforting someone so there really wasn't any plot to it.

Yujin's POV

Ugh, I fucking hate her friend. She's so annoying. Can't she just mind her own business and not try to be the have to know it all kind of person?

I fucking hate her parents too. I hate that I have to pretend that I actually love their daughter for the sake of my reputation. A player dating the most beautiful girl here. Sounds like a great combo.

Can she realise how I hate everything about her? I hope she hates me too someday. I just have to find a perfect time to break it out to her. I gotta be honest for once.

I don't know if I want her to get away from me because I really hate being with her or I just can't stand being with someone I don't love. Actually, there's someone I sincerely love with my heart. But it's not her.

Definitely not her.

"Yujinnie~~~," she clings onto my arm making my eyes roll in annoyance. Fucking hate this. Why does she want to be with me so bad? Is there something wrong with her head or she's just plain stupid.

I can't stand this anymore.

I grab her by the wrist and smoothly turn to the corner of the building pushing her to the wall of the dark and quiet alley. I don't care if that hurts her. I'm about to hurt her anyway.

The lampposts cast our shadow like black over deepest charcoal; by midway, it has bled out. From the apartments come noises, not so much as in the daytime but all the louder for the absence of light and the quieter traffic.

"What's wrong, Yujin?" she asked as if she doesn't know what's up. She's damn oblivious that she can't even read any sign. whether or not me giving her a sign that I fucking hate her.

Or the fact that her best friends love her.

Yes, I know.

Because I know from the look of her eyes. It's the same as when I see the girl I sincerely love.

"Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong all right?!" I shout my lungs out as if I was in a dangerous situation and wanted people to come and rescue me from the bad guy.

"Lower down your voice, Yujin. People might hear you."

"Do you think I care if people hear us fighting? They can even call the police for all I care.

The problem is that I fucking hate you very much. I don't even know why do you even love me when all I do is push you away and embarrass you in front of everyone.

You're fucking crazy.

And an annoying piece of shit."

Slow desolate tears ran from her unblinking eyes and dropped steadily into her uniform.

"Please tell me you're lying," she tries to talk between those stutters.

I walk closer to her bringing my own face directly to her ears as I whisper, "you hate it when people lie right? So here you go, I'm being honest. Let's break up shall we?"

I didn't even let her answer my question when I fix the strap of my beg around my arm and give her a last look before I walk away in satisfaction with a smirk.

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