First Week

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As Yujin had promised, she brings Wonyoung out once a week. Nothing more. Mainly because she tries to spend as little time as possible and she has to train more frequently now.

Week 1

Yujin doesn't want to start the plan so soon so she actually waits for the next day which is Friday to bring her to date. Sadly, she hasn't thought of what to do yet. Maybe just keep it simple?

Grab a cup of coffee and walk around the park?

Too boring.

Go to the arcade to play games?

Had done it with Yena and Chaewon countless times before.

A date at the theme park?

Too cliche and typical.

'UGH, YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'M JUST GOING TO SLEEP AND THINK OF IT TOMORROW,' Yujin messes up her hair in frustration before throwing down her body to her bed.

When the day comes, she had decided to just bring her out at night because she got held up by her coach and needed to train more that afternoon and she feels like it would be tiring to bring her out after training.

That night after she had gotten enough sleep after finishing her training routine, she made her way towards the bathroom to shower.

After showering, she had made up her mind to just keep it simple with her clothing.

As she went out, she didn't forget to put on her favourite black shoes that her mom had bought when she won her first ever medal. She still smiles whenever she thinks about those old memories.

Walking out of her dorm room, she finally makes her way to a certain room which by the way is occupied by her 'girlfriend'. It's still weird to call her that. Definitely won't ever get used to it.

Yujin with her social skills had asked the teacher the whereabouts of the latter's dorm room saying she had to hand some stuff to the latter.

Arriving as in standing in front of the stated room, she mustered up her courage to knock on the door only to reveal Wonyoung in her casual attire behind the brown door.

Luckily she had informed the girl that she's going to pick her up for dinner.

She had never seen Wonyoung with her casual outfit so that's a first.

When both of them step out of their dormitory, they notice how beautiful the night is.

It is the most beautiful art, alive within raw energy, a song for the eyes. Stars shone filling up the sky like pale corn into the freshly turned ground as sugar spilt over black marble, glistening in the sun.

"Let's go, Youngie," it didn't hit Yujin's head when that nickname for Wonyoung just slipped out of her mouth. Well, there's no way she can take it back. It sure is chilly today.

When the older look over to the girl beside her, the thin shirt she's wearing to cover up her body didn't get unnoticed by the eagle eyes Ahn Yujin. Maybe it is a coincident that Yujin wore a jacket with a hoodie inside it to keep her warm.

Removing the outer layer of her clothing, Yujin puts it around Wonyoung instead, "it's cold. Why are you wearing such a thin shirt out?" Yujin may don't know anything about the girl but she is known to be a kind person.

"Come on, I'm hungry," she brings the younger closer to her by resting her arm around the younger's neck. She didn't know why she did it or how it's there but she likes the feeling she's feeling right now.

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