Memory Lane (III)

140 10 16

You'll always
Have my shoulder
When you cry
I'll never let go,
Never say goodbye


And if you ever
Forget how much
You really mean to me
Every day I will
Remind you

Nighttime came and none of them bothers to go back inside as their eyes are already mesmerised by the night sky to even look away. A trembling gush of wind inaudibly drifted across the skyline.

It's known among them that the night brings a comforting presence whenever they feel down.

Minjoo had always been watching the stars and the moon or just the night sky in general from her bedroom's window, but none of them could beat this. Everything is 10 times better when there's Chaewon.

Come to think of it, she can never find a time where Chaewon wasn't there with her when she's having a mental breakdown. Even now, Chaewon is here to comfort the younger.

It's as if she can sense something wrong with the younger or predict what will happen next. It wouldn't be a surprise if she did considering how long we've met.


The older only hum as a response waiting patiently to the next thing the younger has to say.

"Thank you for always being my guardian angel," the way her lips lifted upward, the way her Indian dimple crinkles, it never fails to make Chaewon's heart flip.

Just from that smile and the tone she's using to talk, it warms the older's heart knowing how sincere the younger is.

Acting caring isn't something tough to do when it comes to Minjoo as she has already vowed to herself 12 years ago when she carried Minjoo on her back.

"What's with you being sentimental for?"

"I guess I feel like I never thank you as much as I should."

"You do know that even if you don't say anything, I would still continue to be there for you even when you're at your lowest."

Keep in mind, Minjoo was only 10 when she received a call from her mom in the middle of her lesson. She could never forget how her teacher passed her the phone looking all pitiful or how her mom was stuttering trying her best to deliver the news.

She could hear the way her heart completely shattered the moment she heard the word grandma and passed away together. Those are the words she despised the most. Especially if it's the loved one we're talking about.

When it's already time for the funeral, she was wearing a black outfit. In case you didn't know, Minjoo isn't the one who would wear something black as she thinks it looks too 'dark' for her liking. It comes to the point where you can barely see any black clothes in her wardrobe.

Even the outfit she's wearing right now isn't hers.

It's Chaewon's.

Chaewon had always loved the colour black whether it comes in the form of furniture, outfits, stationeries or books. She just loves black in general. She loves how it matches any other colour or how she doesn't need to worry if her food or drink suddenly spill onto her.

Only on this particular day, she hates black because it symbolises death. She hates everything that makes her best friend cry in tears even if it's her favourite colour.

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