After I Met You

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After I met you,

I've been happy with these small changes...

We are sitting beside together in the same position we were when we were sleeping just now in the morning where my arm is on her shoulder and her arms are wrapping around my waist. A question comes through my head,



"Why do you want to watch the starry night sky?"

"It just gave me a memory. when I was about 4 years old, my dad suffers from heart cancer. when we first saw him pass out in the bathroom, my mom and I thought it was just because of stress so we brought him to the hospital for a checkup.

The doctor told us that my father had only had a few months to live. During those months my dad would always bring me to watch the starry night sky when he wasn't busy with work.

Every time I look at the starry night sky I couldn't help but think about my dad, which is why I always watch it when I have time.

It just gave me a memory I had with my dad. He died when I was really young so I didn't really have that much of memory with him."

That must have been tough for her to continue to live without a dad at a very young age.

I respect her.

I knew that she may look like she is strong, but I know deep inside she's breaking into millions of pieces.

"Do you miss your dad?"

"Of course, Yena. There isn't any single day where I wouldn't miss him. Some days I feel broken inside but I won't admit. It's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this.

There's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance to say how much I love and miss him since he has been away. I never had a chance to tell him how much I love him as a dad."

"I'm sure your dad is proud of you, Joyul. I'm sure he is still there in your heart and watch you from afar in heaven. you're strong, Joyul but sometimes you can break down too.

You've been through a lot.

If you have any problems, remember that I will always be there for you and I will lend you my shoulder as much as you want. I want you to be happy, Joyul. I'm sure your dad doesn't want to see you sad," I look at her in the eyes.

"Thank you, Yena. I'm glad I have you as my girlfriend." I gave a peck on her cheek muttering 'I love you' to her ear.

"LOOK! A SHOOTING STAR. LET'S MAKE A WISH," she said excitedly. I nodded while smiling at her cuteness.

I clasp my hands together and began to make a wish.

"Shooting stars in the sky, if you can hear me out please grant my wish. My wish is to spend my whole life with Yuri.

I want to marry her in the future if I can. If I can't, being there for her is enough for me. Please grant my wish."

I slowly opened my eyes to look at yuri who is looking at me too. "Let's head back. Shall we?" She nodded with a smile plastered on her face. We went to our tent with our hand intertwine together.

We are hugging each other while lying down next to each other. "Goodnight, Joyul~ I love you," I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight~ I love you too," she said then buries her head on my chest.

After I met you,

I realise that a relationship can only work if you understand each other.

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