First Meeting

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Life is unpredictable
It changes with the seasons
Even your coldest winter
Happens for the best reasons
And though it feels eternal
Like all you ever do is freeze
I promise spring is coming
And with it
Brand new leaves

- E.H

Here's your Annyeongz's fluff


Spring, also known as springtime is one of the four temperate seasons, following winter and preceding summer. Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth.

Here we are with the wildflowers rising from the earth, looking to the casual eye as weeds until they bloom.

Then there they are. In the air that becomes more welcoming each day, a community of colours, a feast for butterflies and bees.

The sunny days of spring are good for the plants, good for the flowers, and good for going on dates. No longer are your romantic escapades restricted to the stuffy indoor heating of movie theatres.

In springtime, more sunshine means more opportunities to take your loved one on picnics, hikes, and long walks to absolutely nowhere.

Flowers - a timeless symbol of beauty, fertility and love, and in the spring, you can find them for free in your neighbour's front yard.

Stealing petunia bulbs isn't the best way to usher in the season, but the point is, springtime is flower time, and that's good for your romance.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life."

"But if every single one had happened to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you."

"Then I forgive myself for all of them."

"A poem by K. Towne Jr."

Ms Kwon, the teacher to supposedly teach literature, walks around the class with a book in her hand. Her footsteps echoed sharply around the deserted square, sounding overly loud in her ears, like the booming heartbeat of a condemned prisoner.

Yujin, being the troublesome person she is, got caught doodling on her literature book by no other than her teacher, she didn't get scolded or anything, just a hit on the head with the literature book.

"Ow!" Yujin rubs her head to ease the pain with an annoyed face plastered on her face.

"Ms Ahn Yujin. If you're working on something else, do it somewhere where you don't get caught and get knocked on the head."

The whole class started to giggle at the teacher's statement, but Yujin being yujin gives no shit about it at all. It was almost that Yujin heard nothing at all.

"This class is boring as heck! I don't get why we need to learn about poems written by some old dudes that probably had died ages ago!"

"That depends on how you want to see it. These poems are written by people in the past to talk about their feelings. They told us that human's feelings about someone don't change easily."

Yujin might didn't realise it back then, but the everyday life that she took for granted will eventually be gone soon.

"It may not click you right now, but someday it'll help you when you feel lost about your feelings. Now, open up your book and pay attention."

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