Fire And Ice (I)

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Yena and Yuri have to live together despite how opposite they are in everything.

Thanks for the idea~~

Yuri's POV

This classroom is my deathbed. When I walk in here my mind shut down, my body feels weak, I lose my sanity and I feel like I'm a prisoner being thrown into the jail till I rot.

When is this suffering going to end soon? I want to go back home and sleep for fuck sake.

I over my watch which is around my wrist- obviously; only to realise it's only been 5 minutes since this history lesson starts. How the fuck even? It feels like I've been here for 5 hours.

That means there still 1 hour and 55 minutes left till I can finally go back home.

Repetitively tap my fingers on the desk, trying all I can to keep my eyes open, I yawned as my eyes became heavier and heavier each second.

"Minjoo... Wake me up when school is over," I tuck onto my best friend's vest to grab her attention from the old hag in front. I don't get how she can focus. That teacher sounds like a lullaby, to be honest.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Yeah," the teacher probably doesn't care if the students are all sleeping. As long as she does her job to explain the given topic, she's fine.

I feel this blackness come over me like a blanket and somehow it's making my eyes feel heavier and heavier. I close my eyes with my head resting on my arms as a pillow, finally sending me into a dreamless sleep.


What feels like a minute but hours passed, I felt a tap on my shoulder trying to wake me up I guess, "hey, wake up. School's over. Let's go now." There, I saw Minjoo standing in front of me with her backpack.

Stretching out my arms while rubbing my eyes, I yawn loudly not caring about the stares I've received.

"Damn. That was a nice sleep."

"Come on, faster. I want to meet my girlfriend after this," I haven't even reply yet she already grabs my arm only to drag me out.

"I know you can't wait to meet your girlfriend, but please consider me also. I can't walk properly if you keep on dragging me."

She realises how she's been dragging her friend's by the arm so she let go with a clumsy smile showing her Indian dimples that her girlfriend loves so much while muttering a soft sorry.

"Let's just go. I want to sleep."

The streets are the most private of public spaces, much the same as walking in a country lane in some rural place but it was barely wide enough for two cars to pass in opposite directions.

Do you know what's interesting about Minjoo and me? It's that we live in the same building. Is that even possible you ask? Well, it's an apartment so I guess we live in the same building but different rooms.

I'm not good at explaining so I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Sadly, her room is on the level above mine. If it's near mine, I would've just went out at night and crash to her house but it is said that during night time, the chances of getting killed is high.

So no, thank you.

"MOM! I'M HOME!" Taking off my shoes and put it in the shoe rack at the entrance before I step into the living room floor because I'm Asian and that's what we do.

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