Soulmate (I)

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In a world where people have their soulmate's name on their body somewhere. Minjoo and Chaewon don't have each other's name but still fall in love anyway.

A soulmate is a person who is strong enough to break your heart and yet they are the only person who is perfect for you whether you like it or not. You see all of your soulmate's flaws. All of them.

But nothing can change the way you love them.

Having a soulmate makes you want to be a better person for them. You want to be good enough to be with them. But sometimes no matter how hard you try to change for them, it's not easy.

Sometimes you never will but that's okay.

Because they've already accepted you for who you truly are.

In a world where Chaewon lives, people have their soulmate's name on their body somewhere doesn't matter if it's on the arm, neck, leg or waist. They have to be there somewhere.

When do they get it? No one knows because it's different from everyone.

Chaewon, an 18 years old girl who does nothing but to play around all day even though she's a senior in high school. But what's weird is that she still ace all of her exams even when she never studies.

She sleeps all day and everyone knows that.

She's an official 18 years old girl and yet she never received any sign of her soulmate. She even checks it every day just to make sure. She's jealous looking at her friends having their soulmates early and even dating them- that's what you're supposed to do anyway.

"Hey, Yena. How long has it been since you get Yuri's name on the side of your pointy finger?" She asks as curiosity never fails to beat her.

Yena then turns her gaze towards her finger as she slowly traces the obvious name written in black ink with her thumb.

It took her awhile to calculate how many years has it been. It's Yena what do you expect from that dumb duck? "I have the sign when I was 15 so I guess 5 years?" She rubs her chin with her pouty lips.

"It's 3 years you fucking idiot. No wonder you fail your mathematics. What kind of a dumbass can't even calculate the difference of 18 and 15? I want to cry already," Chaewon laughs her ass out at Yena's dumbness.

She knows Yena is dumb but not THAT dumb.

'Does Yena really took a whole 5 minutes only to count the difference but still gets it wrong? Oh my gosh, she's embarrassing me I swear,' Chaewon thought in her mind.

"Can you not? Everyone makes mistakes in their life," Yena strangles the neck of Chaewon who still hasn't calmed herself from laughing way too hard. "But yours isn't a mistake. It's just you being dumb."

The cafeteria is a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard above the din. The food is secondary to the information that is exchanged here.

Over the over-salted fries, alliances are formed and gossip traded like poker chips.

But even after all of that, lunchtime is still every student's favourite because it's the only time where they can be loud with their friends without getting scolded by the hags which are the new term of teachers.

"I swear, Chaewon. If you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to-," before Yena could even finish her sentence, she got cut up by her best friend who seems like her eyes were set on something or someone.

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