Can't Take My Eyes Off You

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Yuri smiling shyly, cheeks turning pink because she was caught staring at Chaewon.

A simple Ssamyul for you

"Beautiful" is when one can be themself. One who smiles all the time without caring what others think. One who is dying inside and yet strong enough to let go of the pain.

"Beautiful" makes everything about them mesmerising. Even their smile or laughter can stop you dead in your tracks as their eyes seem to light up the world when they smile.

Everything about them just screams perfect.

They have this special ability to make anyone forget how to breathe making it hard to be near them.

"Beautiful" is something only a few understand or possess. It's something felt within you, not just something you see. It brings light to your soul. It's like the feeling of being in love.

Inexplicable, strong and pure.

"Beautiful" is one who has a distinctive personality. Knowing the value of being fun but not taking life too seriously. You can trust and count on them to brighten up your day.

They are the type who can inexplicably make you feel good just by being around then and yet brings such great sadness when she's gone.

"Beautiful" is so very different from those starving adolescents they put in the magazines, covered in so many different products until they appear gaunt and barely human.

Kim Chaewon was always quite the beauty, but seeing her up close only reinforced that truth. She was of fair complexion that always seemed to gleam when they captured the light just right.

It was her eyes more than anything that gave her away. Her eyes were the type of brown that was like sweet chocolate. The chocolate that melts at the slightest bit of the heat from love, or happiness.

They were a deep, earthy brown - the colour of the earth after torrential rains. But there was something else in them, something glistening.

Florid cheeks and flawlessly sculpted lips, as if crafted by angels themselves; sitting this close to her I could see them clearly, glistening attractively with a cherry lip balm that added further rosy colour.

All these features are set together on a delicate almost, angelic face.

She's just too good to be true. Sometimes I just wonder, is she even real? Did her mom give birth to a goddess instead? I wanna hold her so much. I bet it'll be like heaven to touch.

I never thought I'd be in love this hard.

Thank God I live at the same time as her.

I just can't take my eyes off her.

I hope you don't mind by the way I stare at you. It's just that I don't think there's anything I could compare you with anything. I don't want to remove my gaze from you in case you'd be gone the next second later.

I admit the sight of you leaves me weak as there is no word I can think to say. But if maybe you feel the same as I do, pinch me hard. I'm not dreaming, am I?

Please, anyone, let me know if it's real or is it just a dream.

I want her to warm me up during a lonely night if I can.

If I have you in my arms one day, I hope you don't let me down and break my heart.

While my eyes are fixed to the girl beside me who is paying attention to the teacher while taking note of whatever she thinks is important, she suddenly turns her head to the left and probably felt the stare I gave her the whole time.

"I caught you~~~~," she sings but not too loud to prevent the teacher from scolding us while poking my cheek.

Swinging my head towards the window, I can feel my face getting red but a smile slowly makes it move towards my face. It was a shy kind of smile.

"Come on, Joyul. What is there to be shy of? It's just your girlfriend," Chaewon then tackled me into a big tight hug. The one where it felt like a giant fluffy bear is glomping you tightly.

"I love you," she kissed my cheek multiple times before giggling at my shocked expression.

Trust me when I say "I love you too" back.

Well, she can play that game, I immediately cup her face with both of my hands before pecking her soft plump red lips as an act of revenge for teasing me.

It's a success by the way her cheeks turn into a tint of pink as she slaps me lightly before giving her attention to the teacher back.

Now that I found you, I hope you will stay just as I planned to stay by your side forever.

Please let me love you.

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