Road Trip

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Chaewon thinks that it would be nice to bring Minjoo out for a road trip.

I didn't know what to write about so I just post my old 2kim one shot in my draft but I hope you like it nevertheless

You know it's early when there is no light struggling to get past the window. Outside it is as black as night, only by the clock can you tell the difference between the time to sleep and the time to rise.

"You know, Chae? When you invite me for a road trip, I didn't expect it to be THIS early," Minjoo specifically emphasised the word this. Trying to be dramatic or not, she does have a point though.

If you look at the time, it's only 4 am.


"I did try to inform you but you had immediately agreed to the idea without listening to everything I wanted to say." Well, of course, Minjoo agreed within a millisecond. She's whipped after all.

"Of course I would if it meant to spend time with my girlfriend," they hardly meet each other these past few months as they're busy with their studies. Not to mention how they both go to a university that is like a few miles away.

Okay, that's a bit exaggerating but you know what I meant.

"Come on don't be a salty bitch and let's have breakfast together," Chaewon pinches her cheek trying to lighten up the mood. Knowing how Minjoo isn't a morning person, it's understandable why she would be in this state.

"Are there any shops open at this time?" Minjoo raises her eyebrow to the girl who seems to be driving not knowing where to go. Luckily there's a Mcdonald nearby and we all know how they open 24 hours a day, "Mcdonald it is then."

Before making their orders, Chaewon grabs Minjoo by the arm catching her attention, "please order more than usual since it's going to be a long ride and I'm pretty sure you will get hungry later."

Money isn't a problem for both of them since they come from a wealthy family. But not too wealthy where they live in a castle or something. Their parents just earn a higher income than most people.

Minjoo being Minjoo, orders almost everything on the menu with no hesitation. Everything except for the salad because it tastes like shit. She doesn't get why it exists in a fast-food restaurant.

Why try to be healthy when fast food is meant to be greasy and unhealthy. Like you know what I mean?

The road doesn't rise and the road doesn't sink, it's the car that does the movement. And so as their car made its steady way along, the scenery took on an almost meditative quality, the light igniting the hues of each tree.

It's currently 9 am and they have been on the road for 3 hours now. At this point, Minjoo starts to get bored as there's no internet connection around the area, "how long should I wait for us to arrive?"

"Be patient, babe. Do you want to stop by for lunch?" Chaewon reaches for her girlfriend's hand and intertwines it with hers noticing how the girl has her lips curve upward afterwards.

"I'm not really hungry but I do want to stop by somewhere. Being on the road for too long makes me wanna puke," Minjoo pouts only for chaewon to chuckle at her whiny mode.

"We'll stop by somewhere near for a while, okay? Maybe we can buy snacks while we're at it. You already ate half of our Mcdonald and I'm not sure if the remaining will last."

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