Stuck Inside

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"Uhhhh... So what are we supposed to do now?" Yujin's attempt to break the silence.

"I don't know. We're not supposed to leave the house because of the quarantine. I guess just stay here all day?"

Due to the recent virus breakout, the nation is advised by the government not to leave their house unless it's important such as groceries. Basically, they're stuck in their apartment in other words.

Wonyoung walks towards the refrigerator to make sure her mom has food stored for them. If they do, maybe she can cook for them.

Opening the door of the refrigerator, she notices all kinds of foods in it whether it's a snack, vegetables, drinks, or meats.

"Yujin! Do you want me to cook breakfast?" She turns her head behind to ask the girl in consideration.

"Yes, please. I'm so hungry right now, I feel like I can just eat everything. My stomach is growling and demand for food-"

"Okay, enough. I don't need to know the details."

Wonyoung took out the pancetta from the fridge, cream, cheese and eggs from the refrigerator while Yujin fetched her an apron. Luckily she is tall enough to reach the high cupboard with the sieve to grab the tools in hand and the dry pasta.

Not forgetting about the seasoning that has already been prepared on the table with Yujin's help. She remembers how they used to cook pasta together when they're alone at home.

"Three and two," she remembers how her mom used to cook the perfect pasta at home and sometimes when they're free, Yujin will help Wonyoung to make the handmade pasta for fun.

But today, they don't do that since usually, they have to wait for the dough to rest and which takes a really long time. As Yujin said, she's super hungry right now so they just take a shortcut and use ready-made dry pasta.

Wonyoung heats water in a large pot over high. When water starts to steam, she adds some salt and a cover pot with a lid to bring water to a boil faster. When the water finally boils, she finally adds the dry pasta.

"Yujinnie, can you help me chop the pancetta into smaller pieces while I prepare the sauce?"

"Sure thing."

With that, Yujin grabs the knife from the kitchen counter and begins to cut into smaller pieces, intentionally cutting a lot because you know what they said, it'll never go wrong with too many meats.

Yujin is a carnivore in disguise so that explains.

While Wonyoung, she grabs a medium-sized white bowl from the dish drainer rack beside the sink and begins to crack 4 egg yolks and leave 2 of it as a whole and whisk it together until no streaks remain.

After that, she stirs in remaining grated cheese and grinds several cranks of pepper and sets it aside.

Cooking the pancetta while stirring it occasionally until crisp, she removes the pot from the heat and puts the drained pasta to the pot, stirring constantly and vigorously, until al dente and water are reduced.

Whisking some pasta cooking liquid into the reserved egg mixture, then very slowly stream into the pot, stirring constantly, until cheese is melted and egg is thickened to form a glossy sauce and season with salt.

The carbonara is then served with some grated cheese on top to make it more cheesy.

"And we're done," Yujin punches the air as if she just won a medal.

Sitting on the dining table with their breakfast in front of them, they eat it silently trying to devour the food slowly in their mouth.

"Is there anything you would like to eat for lunch?" Wonyoung asks with her fork twirling the pasta around.

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