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In which Chaewon is convinced that she is the actual monster.

The gloom of the day was reflected in the moods of the citizens. Grey carpeted the sky so completely that even at noon the cars still needed full headlights and the street-lamps shone feebly into the perpetual twilight.

There is no sky today, only a rough woollen blanket of mottled grey to cover us all and block out the sun.

The cold look reflected on your face. Your hands were tightly closed around the cold surface of the metallic grey sharp blade tool. The knife was snapped at the tip but the rest was sharp. You seemed to have no sense of humanity.

Your heart seemed to be made of stone, the way you had brutally killed the person who is in front of you. No one would ever forget the evil glint in your beady eyes.

The murderer had smelt of blood.


And just like that, you regain your consciousness. Your brain stutters for a moment, every part of you goes on pause while your thoughts catch up.


The sound of a heavy object hitting something else or falling on the ground automatically controls your eyes to look towards the origin of the sound. Your grip onto the knife suddenly loosens making it drop onto the hard cold ground.

'I can't believe what I had just saw with my eyes. I can't believe what I just did. I can't believe that I had just killed someone with my own hands.'

That's what you thought you would react. And you're correct for a few seconds before the evil part of you takes over your mind.

His throat had been cut, laying like butchered animals in a waste of blood...The corpse had slipped from the low single bed to the right of the door and lay staring up at you, the mouth open, the head almost cleft from the body.

"I'm sorry I did this," a tear escaped from the corner of your eyes making it flow itself down your cheeks.

You're really sorry for taking their life when you saw how they begged you to spare their lives.

You're a monster.

It was just then you realised the red coloured substance flowing everywhere. The blood flowed like a lazy river. It flowed so much like red gravy across the house floor and down into the concrete gullies that interrupted the white tiled floor.

Even your hands are fully covered with the victim's scarlet blood. What type of person are you? A monster, indeed. You're not taking your eyes off of your hands.

Your bloody hands.

You're a monster.

You're a murderer.

You deserve to be punished for this.

Bolting towards the bathroom like an Olympic champion at the start gun, you saw your reflection in the mirror. Instead of looking away from it, you stare at it instead.

You don't recognise the person in the mirror.

It was as if you don't know who you are anymore.

Turning on the pipe letting the water flow endlessly without caring about how much water you have wasted, your mouth starts to blabber some random words that even humans couldn't understand.

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